Example sentences of "because they [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's a long-established human set-up , whose name comes from the Old Arcturean quickspeak for ’ family Organization ’ — because they like to affect a patriarchal system and because they demand the same absolute loyalty and devotion that one would show to close kinfolk .
2 Parents may understandably often try to deny the reality of their black children 's unhappiness because they like to think that their children are secure and happy , thus reflecting their success as adopters .
3 Yes , you look surprised , but lots of people keep them as … well — ’ he shrugged ‘ hardly as pets , but probably because they like to have something different . ’
4 Erm and because they like to keep the same manufacturer on one shaft if they could , they took out six three O seven for the back end .
5 Any policy which aims at exorcising envy and the concomitant sense of guilt — the reason why so many intellectually eminent individuals are attracted to levelling doctrines , because they aspire to purge the sense of guilt to which eminence itself is prone — by measures of social or economic equalisation is foredoomed to failure , because it rests on the false presumption that envy and envy-guilt exist only because they are ‘ justified ’ , because the materials exist on which they feed .
6 It was also very noticeable in the United States how many American lawyers asked for assistance because they wished to refer work to an English barrister .
7 Surely it is possible that a jury might decline to convict of murder a person who intentionally killed under gross provocation , even though they knew that the judge could give a lenient sentence , because they wished to signify the reduction in the defendant 's culpability by using the less stigmatic label of manslaughter .
8 In the enalapril group two patients ( cases 9 and 10 ) ( both initially with low microalbuminuria ) decided to withdraw from the trial because they wished to become pregnant ( at withdrawal both displayed persistent normoalbuminuria , which persisted after stopping experimental treatment ) .
9 The listeners tuned in to the German wavelengths because they found Joyce amusing unintentionally or for his anecdotes , or else because they wished to hear both sides of the argument , or even because they did not trust their own authorities to tell them the whole truth .
10 Women who did not deliberately choose to remain single out of conviction or because they wished to pursue a career , but who nevertheless ‘ got left on the shelf , were often made to feel that they were failures .
11 In reply Moscovici ( 1985 ) has suggested that social representation theorists have deliberately avoided defining their central concept , because they wished to avoid tying the concept to a single experimental procedure , whose simplifications would distort social reality .
12 Er , I 'm just wondered , you know , wi with because they came to expect it and we , we did n't know .
13 This is not because they wish to act in the public interest as exemplified in the values of their political masters , but rather because they wish to succeed in their careers and the way to do so is to appear efficient .
14 Many professionals and managers choose to work in the public sector because they wish to give service or believe in the core values of their agency .
15 This is not because they wish to act in the public interest as exemplified in the values of their political masters , but rather because they wish to succeed in their careers and the way to do so is to appear efficient .
16 Chris Young , Chelmsford : ‘ If you were to believe that people buy a record by The Smiths because they wish to change something , even if it is only the music industry , then you are being very naïve about things .
17 Registration is compulsory — though voting is not — but there are still some people who are not registered either by accident or because they wish to avoid declaring their residence .
18 If pupils are motivated to learn to use spoken Standard English because they wish to adopt a social role , they will learn it if they are given the appropriate educational experiences and opportunities .
19 Employers also try to discourage the mobility of their highly skilled labour because they wish to retrieve the investment made in training over the long term , and they certainly would not want competing firms to poach labour that they have trained .
20 Symbolic and tangible rewards ( praise , encouragement , a hug — the sort of ‘ rewards ’ that psychologists call ‘ positive reinforcers ’ ) regulate behaviour Children are likely to be willing to obey distasteful rules because they wish to have their parents ' approval or avoid their disapproval .
21 If you say that the Nationalists of Ireland have a right to claim to go out of the united Kingdom as a community if you say that five or six per cent of the whole of the United Kingdom have that right because they wish to have separate rule for themselves , how can you say that a body in Ireland , not five or six per cent , but twenty-five per cent of the whole population , has not an equal right to separate treatment ?
22 Students accumulate credits in individual subjects which they study , either out of interest or because they wish to obtain the award of a Group Certificate or Diploma .
23 Now need you help , because they hope to offer a lot more than just a roof over the heads .
24 Capitalists invest because they hope to make profits .
25 I think Peter was at erm play school because they go to play school two afternoon 's a week
26 There was n't a single word mentioned about that particular paper and the very fact that that conference rejected it , because they failed to consult properly with those who were involved in that section and they were very unhappy about the way Apex was being fragmented .
27 None of this lot aches because they failed to change the world .
28 More than 30% of cows culled in Holland were slaughtered because they failed to become pregnant .
29 It was forced to withdraw two drugs from the States this year because they failed to meet US standards .
30 But diversifying companies found it much harder to exploit economies of scale and scope in these new fields — usually , says Mr Chandler , because they failed to make the same kind of first-mover investments they had made in their primary businesses .
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