Example sentences of "one might [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It was impossible to make Malm see that one might love the moor , enjoy walking , have become accustomed to the cold .
2 Most of the ideas , techniques and strategies described in Part Two hold good for working with young children , but it is worth devoting time to a specific discussion of how one might adapt the work on still image and forum theatre for use with this age group , as they are sometimes thought to be strategies that can only be successfully used with older children .
3 She hoped that one might eat the duck with the lovely hair .
4 For example , one might observe the fact that nearly all the world 's languages have the three basic sentence-types : imperative , interrogative and declarative ( Sadock & Zwicky , in press ) .
5 One might avoid the objection , following R. M. Hare , by interpreting ‘ You do n't want to be sick ’ as itself prescriptive , a logical imperative equivalent to ‘ Do n't get sick ’ disguised by the grammatically indicative form .
6 On Charles Lyell 's side at first there was none of similar stature , though one might mention the great Goethe in Germany who was a keen amateur geologist and liked the gradual peaceful processes preached by the uniformitarians .
7 So much so that the crucial coming of the Holy Spirit on Cornelius is recorded three times in Acts , so that no one might miss the message .
8 Let us begin by considering how one might analyse the attitudinal function of intonation .
9 Out of a thousand possible illustrations of this point one might cite the testimony of William Smith the nineteenth-century publisher , on his first reading of the manuscript of Charlotte Bronte 's Jane Eyre .
10 On one level , for example , one might cite the case of Molla Husrev 's appointment as kadi of Edirne .
11 As an instance of the former one might cite the case of Molla Ahmad b .
12 Indeed overall , he says surprisingly little about Grace and next to nothing about the sacramental life ; for these reasons one might regret the title which he gave to the three books gathered into one — Mere Christianity — for it implies that he has written a sort of mini-Summa or encyclopaedia of theology .
13 Some of the early prisoners had regarded the Germans much as , afterwards in the pavilion , one might regard the football team to whom one had lost the match .
14 On analogy with subject access in social services and housing one might expect the governors to seek the consent of the person compiling the report and for such consent normally to be forthcoming since otherwise the record may clearly be incomplete .
15 Equally one might expect the full-time paid CAB worker , who normally eschews the middle-class volunteer , to cheer the broadening of the CAB volunteer base .
16 Like the values for Young 's modulus or stiffness , the figures vary a great deal between different substances , but then , so do the strengths of the chemical bonds within them and one might expect the engineering strengths to be proportional to the strengths of the chemical bonds .
17 Hence one might expect the orbiting gas to become more and more quiescent the farther it recedes from the stimulus of the ILR .
18 The proportion of any additional income that is saved ( the marginal propensity to save ) will tend to vary according to the tastes and preferences of the individual , and one might expect the proportion that is saved to increase as income increases .
19 One might expect the ad valorem duties to have risen with increasing prices .
20 In caricatures of the Coase-Williamson view , one might expect the firm to grow without limit , in the absence of the costs of overburdening bureaucracy .
21 One might expect the fluctuations that are implied by quantum mechanics to give a cosmological constant that is very large .
22 In such a situation , action is likely to be the product of internal negotiation , with variable dependence upon rational analysis , and one might expect the rational analysis undertaken to have a different orientation according to the stakeholder for whom it is performed ( Hall , 1973 ) .
23 Given the uncertainty that surrounds the entitlement to means-tested benefits , one might expect the individuals to attach different weights to different components of the total income in the optimisation ( Jenkins and Millar , 1989 ) .
24 Furthermore , of course , if the government did possess an important informational advantage there would be a strong incentive for the private sector to obtain the same information , so one might expect the advantage to be gradually eroded .
25 Hence , one might expect the middle class to opt for the political party most likely to conserve the existing state of affairs .
26 As one might expect the RAF is well represented in its 75th anniversary year .
27 One might offer the following reason why one could regard apine dance as having communicative significance lacking in the case of the bruise ; that the dance is a somehow ‘ arbitrary ’ or ‘ rule-governed ’ causal product of the sighting of food .
28 On a very literal level this is true , and at this point one might compare the ‘ obvious moral ’ of The Ancient Mariner :
29 One might compare the language of Thomas Hardy .
30 One might compare the position of Anatolian ‘ medisers ’ ( p. 19 ) .
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