Example sentences of "one which [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 And one which would demand compensation .
2 The Webbs ' account of the transformation of the Metropolitan Trade Union is instructive : Here we can see how the general impulse to a fairer social order , one which would displace Owen 's ‘ old immoral world ’ , became concentrated upon parliamentary reform .
3 What I desired was a grand conception , one which would speak to the mysterious fears of our nature .
4 Many new companies are floated on the reputation of the team alone , and although NoS did not have one which would bring investors flocking , it had at least to state that one existed .
5 Care is taken to teach the boy how to be a good observer and to reckon things by observation without counting them , as counting , especially of sheep , goats , cattle or people is considered as one of the gikuyu taboos , mogiro , and one which would bring ill-luck to the people or animals counted .
6 He knew very well that this night was the one which would decide whether the old female eagle survived .
7 Your mag is the only one which would print such criticism about itself , and your mag is the only one which will respond to the criticism written about it !
8 With the failure of these discussions on economic union the Nordic states were left with the limited form of cooperation to which they had agreed in 1946 , and also with Uniscan , a loose , consultative structure they had entered into , albeit reluctantly , with Britain under the latter 's urging , but one which would involve little more than a multilateral attempt at coordinating economic policies .
9 Well I would be in some difficulty there sir because erm I have clearly this is a very important and sensitive er issue , one which involves erm one which would involve erm consideration by my members of the various issues , erm I have no authority to express a detailed view on a ma on a matter of principle , or indeed a general view as to wh as to which is the er the best location .
10 The planners tried to devise one which would do the least damage to the existing street pattern .
11 We called on the Attorney-General to refer his case to the Appeal Court so that the sentence could be increased to one which would protect women for a long time .
12 IF England could hold their own against Pakistan , it would not only be a great achievement , but one which would make all the difference to their chances of regaining the Ashes from Australia in 1993 .
13 ‘ I could tell you tales about that one which would make your hair curl , ’ Natasha whispered to Maggie in a conspiratorial tone , and winked .
14 The sexual content would not , Nicholson always believed , guarantee that the film would become a major commercial success ; nonetheless he thought it was a film worth making , one which would make a statement and provide BBS with a good return .
15 Notice also that the choice the speaker made was the one which would make his Creole seem maximally different from LE : i.e. , would reinforce the stereotype of Creole as a different system .
16 Instead they decided to get money from GLEB and the trade unions to do a proper feasibility study — one which would deliver an unanswerable case for investment .
17 There was an awareness among people outside schools that schools could choose between a range of approaches to the curriculum ( Lawton 1986 ) and there was an expectation that the chosen curriculum in , for instance , each primary school was one which would create the basis of a rational , moral and enquiring attitude to learning and to future experience .
18 Speaking to people nicely may well have been William Charles 's greatest worldly asset , one which would enable him to make a living in the great metropolis , for all his lack of more specific skills .
19 After the war opinion was more fluid and open on political grounds the tariff issue had been dead for years and I felt it was one which would pull the party together , including the Lloyd George malcontents .
20 The University would prefer a truly discretionary system of salary awards , i.e. one which would give the University complete freedom to decide how to disburse the whole of the national settlement .
21 It was obviously an extremely fragile position : and this was an extremely fragile argument : but it was also one which would seem to require an unlimited US commitment .
22 By and large , these criticisms were widely accepted and so efforts were directed to making this channel one which would allow for diversity , for new ideas and for experimentation .
23 It may be argued that there is nothing too morally reprehensible about this in many areas of our public life : but when it affects life-and-death issues , such as Northern Ireland , the idea of making legislation on internment , for example , subject to back-room bargains struck at Westminster , is one which would stick in the throats of many voters .
24 However , the move was seen as one which would boost Ford 's market share and which would also provide the company with a prestigious marque with a sporty image .
25 A very successful use for this light when knitting tuck is to use a medium thickness fluffy yarn , one which would knit over every needle on your machine , but instead use it on every other needle .
26 How far these two constructions — the adjective with the verb and the adverb with the verb — should be considered in company with constructions such as : ( 15 ) Heidi saw the stork falter ( 16 ) kiss her goodbye ! is an interesting question , but one which would take us well beyond the bounds of the adjectival study on which we are focusing here . )
27 Was it to establish a quasi-religious movement , one of such moral earnestness as would in the minds of the Owens among the Owenites exercise a compelling influence for beneficial change , one which would establish first alternative and exemplary societies where amity and reason would prevail , and hence would point inevitably to the creation of a co-operative commonwealth ?
28 Not , perhaps , in a fashion Quexos would have approved of — the stage would not be left entirely empty — but one which would salve Estabrook 's hurt .
29 On May 9 the Speaker of the House of Representatives , Arthit Urairat , announced that the government and opposition parties had agreed on a number of constitutional revisions , including one which would bar a non-elected person , such as Suchinda , from becoming Prime Minister .
30 Aristide , in turn , had assured the OAS that he was willing to find a " national solution " to the crisis , one which would safeguard the rights of all sections of society , if respect were shown for the Constitution and if his presidency were recognised .
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