Example sentences of "because [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Partly because for the past year the finance minister , Leszek Balcerowicz , and the former prime minister , Tadeusz Mazowiecki , stuck to a policy of preparing the nation for the worst .
2 If my deductions are correct , Fishbane has been in charge of buying only for about three years , because for the previous three the magazines being ordered were very rum indeed .
3 It can do this because during the recent election campaign , there was no great disagreement about economic policy among the parties .
4 In those days quite a number of Diamond heights were attempted in large shower clouds and cumulo nimbus , whereas very few are flown today because of the unacceptable risks involved .
5 In the case of the BM , the Egyptian collection was acquired from Nelson 's defeat of Napolean ; the Elgin Marbles also because of the consequent British alliance with the Ottoman Empire ; subsequent and strong diplomatic links with Greece and the Middle East brought additional sculpture ; and the Royal Navy transported it all back to England .
6 Those very few who do receive enough child support to ‘ float ’ them off income support may nevertheless lose financially because of the consequent loss of passported benefits such as free school meals .
7 Organisms differ , partly because of the varying impact of the environment in their lifetime ( ‘ nurture ’ ) , and partly because of differences between the genes present in the fertilized eggs from which they developed ( ‘ nature ’ ) .
8 Adjacent parishes on the Midland clays sometimes had very different histories from each other because of the varying ways in which the ownership of land was divided .
9 Because of the fluctuating nature of the condition strict criteria were required for defining the time when the fluid ceased to persist ; when type B tympanograms changed to type A , C1 , or C2 ; and when an observation was stopped .
10 And this , for example , I mean , whether we believe this or not , this Freud says , or thinks , explains why Wilson could come to Europe as a saviour , the saviour of mankind , but then failed to deliver the goods , because of the passive nature of his identification , you know , Jesus got crucified .
11 Talks on a fishing agreement with the European Community ( EC ) have been suspended because of the fiery dispute with Spain and because the EC says the quotas are too mean to be worth discussing .
12 In certain instances , the length of your particular track may not coincide with a balanced pleating arrangement because of the pre-determined size of the pleats , thereby leaving a larger than usual space at one side of your curtain .
13 Alistair Sampson , whose Brompton Road shop specialises in primitive country wares — pottery , carvings , furniture , embroideries — hit a bull's-eye because of the close parallels with American folk art .
14 Interestingly , dendrochronology can also demonstrate when the panels are taken from the same tree because of the close similarity of the ring patterns .
15 Because of the close proximity of the vagina to the rectum , women are more prone to suffer the other important late complications of LGV , the so-called ano-rectal syndrome , in which the infective and inflammatory processes involve the lower bowel .
16 Most ECM business is handled by each bank 's foreign exchange department because of the close similarity between buying/ selling bank deposits and borrowing/lending bank deposits .
17 Because of the close links between the Rover LTA School at Bisham Abbey and Wycombe High School , such a schedule is permitted , although it may seem unusual , to say the least , to most schoolchildren .
18 Because of the close relationship between anxiety and pain they will be considered together in the remainder of this chapter .
19 In that context , the designation by article 5(1) of the Convention of the courts for the place of performance of the obligation in question expresses the concern that , because of the close links created by a contract between the parties thereto , it should be possible for all the difficulties which may arise on the occasion of the performance of a contractual obligation to be brought before the same court : that for the place of performance of the obligation .
20 The complexity and scope of the subject-matter makes such limitations inevitable but they are , nevertheless , significant , because of the close links between theory and policy and the salience of the issues under discussion .
21 The possibility of incorporation represents a difficult route because of the close involvement and commitment of the local authority to that service , which is beneficial to it .
22 The appointment and overthrow of individual emperors were largely matters of Italian politics , but they had significant repercussions in Gaul , not least because of the close personal connections between Ricimer and the Burgundian royal family , the Gibichungs .
23 Firefighters say it was important to control the flames as quickly as possible because of the close proximity of petrol pumps .
24 A ‘ strong ’ letter will also be sent to the WBO asking them to consider a re-match with Jimenez because of the close nature of a verdict in which German judge Norbert Krosch scored the fight even at 115 points each .
25 Something else I 've left hanging rather dangerously in the air is another and rather different hint , and because of the close correspondence of their careers , the milestones along their way , Stephen Daedalus is merely another name for James Joyce , so that the portrait itself would be a blow by blow account of its author 's story so far , with the relevant identities politely concealed under pseudonyms .
26 This is interesting , both because of the serious consequences of a mental health section , and because of concern expressed about sexist practice by GPs in other areas of their work ( Barrett and Roberts , 1978 ; Cooperstock , 1978 ) .
27 However , an effective competition policy needs power to control mergers because of the serious damage they may inflict on competition .
28 While there had been some improvements in terms of flags and emblems , young people still do not apply for work in unsafe areas because of the serious risks involved .
29 However , because of the serious recession of the early 1990s , especially in the South East , the government decided in its Budget of 1992 to keep the increase for 1992/3 down to the current inflation rate of only 4.1 % , instead of the 24.1 % which would have been the maximum ‘ phasing in ’ amount payable .
30 Bhanu Pratap ( Singh , the state Governor , declared that the decision had been taken largely because of the serious law and order situation , but in his statement he openly defied convention by issuing a political message which questioned Gandhi 's right to be involved in the state 's politics .
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