Example sentences of "such as the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Initiatives in the 1970s , by adherents of Liberation Theology , to redefine the relationship between the Church and politics in Third World areas , and the charisma of activists such as the 1960s Colombian guerrilla-priest Camilo Torres , have helped the Sandinistas , three of whose leading figures are ordained priests .
2 The implications of all this are that new military technologies are making conventional defence increasingly cost-effective compared with offence ( although this argument does not apply to nuclear defence , such as the Strategic Defense Initiative ) .
3 Often these are members of the daisy family — Composites — such as the ubiquitous groundsel and the pineapple weed Matricaria matricarioides , with its dense heads of yellow , petal-less flowers , which smell of pineapple when crushed .
4 What a pity the invitation had not been extended to someone more congenial , such as the ubiquitous Austin Mitchell .
5 There are those with mandibulate or biting mouthparts , such as the Orthopteroid orders and the Coleoptera , those with piercing and suctorial mouthparts such as the Hemiptera , Siphunculata , Siphonaptera and some Diptera , and those with more or less elongate , haustellate mouthparts adapted for taking up liquids without piercing ( e.g. Lepidoptera and some Diptera and Hymenoptera ) .
6 Indeed , sometimes it is not very useful , as there may have been long periods without any clear artistic developments , such as the Roman empire of the fourth and fifth centuries or the early medieval period .
7 Furthermore , in his continued discussion of the problem in Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego he likens the manic state to festivals such as the Roman Saturnalia , ‘ which owe their cheerful character to the release which they bring ’ .
8 I have no doubt that most cases will be considered in that way , because the threshold is very low — lower for leave to appeal than in most other parts of our judicial system such as the criminal courts .
9 The World Wildlife Fund , in 1988 renamed the Worldwide Fund for Nature , has been criticized , largely unjustly in my view , for not saving endangered species such as the African elephant , the panda and the black rhino .
10 Animals which live in open country , such as the African bush , tend to have their fovea elongated into a strip .
11 But even if they were to be drawn up from scratch with the express aim of reducing the level of severity in sentencing , there would still be a danger that discretion might simply be displaced to an earlier point in the system , such as the prosecutorial decision .
12 The same is true of the wall panels where the ordered rationality of certain designs ( such as the Inverewe Garden Restaurant which balances firm and loose edges ) give a framework for flights of fancy lie the evocatively rendered ‘ Electronic Cottage ’ in Shetland .
13 The national coordination of teaching resources for multicultural education and community languages could be greatly assisted by the use of databases such as LARRIE , AIMER and NERIS , as well as by annual events such as the Multicultural Swapshop organised by the Minority Group Support Service in Coventry .
14 The few experiences of community education , linking formal with non-formal methods such as the bi-lingual education in Scotland , have only begun to demonstrate the validity of a community orientated approach to learning .
15 Therefore this is evidence for the view that whereas certain volatiles such as the inert gases were acquired during accretion , others such as carbon and nitrogen ( and hydrogen ) were acquired subsequently .
16 Perhaps ironically , in Britain the 1980s also saw increased government regulation of certain sectors of the economy such as the financial services ‘ industry ’ .
17 But they merit special emphasis in the approach to be adopted to the construction of a statute , such as the Financial Services Act 1986 , which in some respects introduced radical new solutions for old problems .
18 However , the management and financing of capital assets in the public sector has given rise to many problem areas , such as those associated with capital controls and deferred purchase arrangements in local authorities , poor asset utilisation , deteriorating physical condition and problems of financing asset replacement , and questions of how capital should be incorporated into devolved budgetary arrangements , such as the Financial Management Initiative in central government .
19 Other derivatives markets , such as the financial swaps market with its standard documentation , or the forex market , with its common computer equipment , may also appear to operate on a multilateral basis .
20 Seriously enough that is , to attempt a genetic transplant of a high concentration of Dutchness in the form of a complete theme-city , with canals , windmills , gabled houses and monuments such as the 112 metre high late Gothic Dom-tower of Utrecht , all of them exactly reproduced with an astonishing attention to detail and accuracy .
21 During the great epidemics , such as the successive invasions of cholera , there was neither space nor time to bury the dead with decency ; the degradation of human beings continued in death as in life .
22 This implies that the state of the system at successive time-periods , such as the successive positions of the drunken man , are uncorrelated .
23 Continental crust is also present beneath most of the shallow seas of the world , such as the 200-metre-deep North Sea , which is in geological terms just a temporarily flooded bit of the European continent .
24 The law of diminishing returns has not applied to food production in the countries which have undergone the industrial revolution , although there have been periodic crises , such as the Irish famine of 1845–6 , to remind us that Malthus was not completely wrong .
25 One has only to read the Scots and Welsh press and the immigrant press in England , such as the Irish Post , to see how its electoral campaign is based on race and bribes to every ethnic group at the expense of the English .
26 In less difficult country , such as the Irish midlands , he was an advocate of railways , and later reproached the government 's commission on this subject with the inadequacy of the network it proposed for Ireland .
27 Even very simple things such as the correct height of tables , chairs , desks and working-surfaces can increase effectiveness and conserve precious energy .
28 7 Any restrictions governing publication , such as the correct acknowledgement .
29 In a painting such as the Female Figure , executed in the winter of 1910–11 , the subject is still much more easily recognizable than it had been in Picasso 's Cadaquès work , or even in the Portrait of Kahnweiler .
30 It is also significant that the DoE study did not consider the costs of several ‘ uncostable ’ factors such as the increased corrosion and organic contamination which denitrification can cause but which would not be incurred by preventative methods .
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