Example sentences of "such [prep] for example " in BNC.

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1 It may well therefore be necessary to have recourse to other defences , such as for example short time limits within which such claims have to be advanced .
2 No doubt in the exercise of its discretion a court may take into account a number of factors , such as for example the conduct and wishes of individual investors , which might in a given case militate against the making of an order .
3 Some anthropological researchers , such as for example Burton , and many of those whose work is collected by Cohen ( 1982 ) , also identify neighbourhoods and even towns by pseudonyms .
4 The still lifes which Picasso executed during the winter of 1908–9 and the early spring of 1909 , such as for example the Compotier in the Museum of Modern Art , New York ( a work of late 1908 ) , are more frankly Cézannesque than anything that preceded them .
5 It seems realistic to expect the auditor to take such information into account in his review of the audit and the person acting as auditor also needs to be aware of other non-audit work on his client that partners in his firm may be doing such as for example tax work and they in turn should consider whether any information that may arise from their work is relevant to the conduct of the audit and where it is , they should also consider whether it is relevant to the duty to report to the regulator , the partner carrying out the audit should also if possible , discuss it with his client .
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