Example sentences of "should not [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ranter writing should not displace Paradise Lost ; Arden of Faversham and domestic tragedy should not merely replace The Spanish Tragedy and court-centred drama .
2 The Tax Faculty reiterates its earlier proposed solutions that the group income provisions should be extended to include dividends paid to a parent resident in another member state and that dividends derived by a UK intermediate holding company from an EC subsidiary should not attract ACT if the ultimate parent is not located in a member state .
3 In extreme cases perhaps it is , but relief should not be refused unless the applicant 's conduct or motive makes it inappropriate to award the relief sought in this case : courts should not refuse relief in order to penalize an applicant for bad conduct unrelated to the relief sought .
4 Similarly , local authorities should not refuse permission for development by small businesses on the grounds that established businesses would be adversely affected : ‘ planning control is not intended to enable local planning authorities to intervene in the normal operation of market forces ’ .
5 He took Pask 's conservative philosophy even further by stressing that even in less strained times Britain should not pioneer technology , but should let America develop experience and then copy the designs .
6 If you are given a box of chocolates they should not represent ruin and damnation .
7 ‘ We had a band chat and for ages we were saying we should not do merchandising at all , because it is a sign that you are a really big band and that you are trying to cash in .
8 This may be true , but is it any reason why the courts should not do justice as best they can , leaving it to Parliament to intervene again if the decision does not meet with Parliament 's approval ?
9 He was young by any measure , and Alexei knew that he should not feel concern .
10 He further stated that the party should not exert pressure or impose its will in any way and that the elected people 's councils should be " really democratic " .
11 You should not request time from a visitor already allocated on the Grid .
12 Youngsters should not construct mains powered projects unless they are supervised at all times by a suitably experienced adult .
13 Courts should not exclude evidence just because it is not accepted wisdom ; nor should they allow plaintiffs to be held liable on the basis of mere hypothesis or speculation .
14 IT IS shameful that some people are saying Britain should not give sanctuary to refugees from the civil war in Yugoslavia .
15 The fact that the plaintiff chose to run the risk should not give rise to volenti , as knowledge of the risk is not sufficient .
16 The group , chaired by Judge Thomas Pigot , QC , a senior Old Bailey judge , recommends that the rule that children under seven or eight should not give evidence , laid down in a string of cases , should be abolished .
17 Women tell themselves frequently that they should not show anger , or be jealous , or desire power .
18 The Paris appeals court ruled on April 13 that Paul Touvier , 77 , who under the wartime Vichy regime had been intelligence chief of the Milice ( pro-Nazi French militia ) in Lyon in 1943-44 , should not stand trial , on grounds of insufficient evidence , on five charges of crimes against humanity .
19 We should not grant recognition to the Baltic states or any other So Soviet Republics unless they guarantee human rights ?
20 The Clause was wrong if it meant schools could not have proper and adequate discussion , but if it meant that local authorities should not promote homosexuality then Mr Roberts would support it .
21 The Government 's response to the Defence Committee 's report on the Westland 's affair stressed that the civil servant 's prime duty lay to his minister and that the civil servant should not relate advice given by civil servants to ministers nor give details of exchanges between government departments in the course of evidence to select committee .
22 Equally , the rules and practices of the SRO should not restrict competition to an extent which is greater than necessary for the protection of investors .
23 Liberties were conferred on cities , in order that feudal laws should not restrict trade and other important aspects of mercantile power .
24 Gene transduction with these agents is essentially restricted to dividing cells , but although this could limit applications for other genetic disorders , it should not restrict gene therapy for cancer , where the target population of malignant cells is expanding .
25 Passengers should not alter holiday plans . ’
26 In any case , methodological difficulties should not dictate epistemology .
27 Care should thus be taken that the program itself should not dictate language or notation levels except under teacher control .
28 Mothers who choose this course of action should not drink cow 's milk themselves , nor should they eat butter , cheese , yoghurt or soya .
29 Some homoeopathic practitioners advise that patients should not drink coffee , or even tea , while under homoeopathic treatment , as it is considered that coffee in particular tends to inactivate the remedies .
30 Editor , — J R F Gladman makes the reasonable point , following my observations in West Cumbria , that we should not underestimate asthma in elderly people .
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