Example sentences of "should have [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Residents of these homes should have the same rights to choice of general practitioner and to NHS care as any other person .
2 Yet it is not arbitrary that the idea of this particular should remind us of these and not other particulars , and that these and not the other particulars should have the same name used of them .
3 Anxious that the poorer areas in the east of Paris should have the same facilities as those in the west , the Emperor gave the land at Vincennes to the city and a huge park was constructed at the expense of the privy purse .
4 It should have the same meaning for each person , whatever his contribution to the world , whether it be that of a labourer or that of the highly qualified expert in , for example , quantum mechanics or any other of those disciplines for the erudite which , to the laity border on unreality .
5 This group 's main interests are that privatisation should be speeded up and that privatised companies should have the same rights as state-owned rivals .
6 By the end of the period of imperial expansion , in the middle of the twentieth century , it was widely believed that everyone in the world should be a citizen of an independent and sovereign state and should have the same rights as all the other citizens in the state , but in 1500 very few people would have understood such a notion .
7 Even if their child stays away from school parents are still urged to seek a refund as the council believes children should have the same rights as other rail users .
8 Competition may not follow the perfect model , but fierce large company rivalry should have the same outcome in lower prices and rapid technological change .
9 It was this : that as her father had consented to allow her to make her home in Corcaguiney , her family should have the same right of any one of our daughters . "
10 Bateson recommended , for example , that the sources of modern poets such as Auden should have the same scholarly apparatus applied to them as used for ( say ) Spencer , so long as Auden 's sources were investigated " with at , least as much thoroughness and intelligence as Spencer 's receive . "
11 For surely it is compatible with VP , as expressed , that two sentences should have the same observational consequences but differ in meaning .
12 In contrast , Edwin Land 's belief that other people in the organization should have the same rich , varied job as himself , the fact that he used similar symbols to describe his products , his organization , and his own life ( as we shall describe in greater detail below ) enabled stakeholders to trust him .
13 Such a corporation , it was held , should have the same power to maintain an action for a libel by which its property is injured as the law allowed to a corporation at common law , and the power to sue for libel or slander for the protection of its reputation in the carrying on of its business .
14 c ) Can you explain why each pair should have the same sum ?
15 Residents should have the same security of tenure as normal tenants , even if they spend weeks or months in hospital every now and again .
16 As minister of labour he was concerned that the government should not become totally identified with the Unionist Party and was determined that people in Northern Ireland should have the same standards of living as those in the rest of the United Kingdom .
17 Each curtain of a pair should have the same number of pleats .
18 If , however , equity shares have been allotted under the scheme , the holders should have the same rights to protect their proportion of equity as any other shareholder .
19 The Bishop ordained that the Vicar of Hailing should receive as his portion £5 10s yearly and that he should have the same acreage of land as the vicars of old possessed and also " all oblations what so ever within the bounds and limits of the parish , all the tithes of hay , lambs , wool , mills , calves , chicken , pigs , geese , ducks , eggs , bees ' honey , wax , cheese , milk , milk-meats , flax , hemp , pears , apples , garden herbs , pigeon houses , and merchandise , fisheries , pastures , onions , garlic and saffron , also the tithes , sheaves cultivated either by plough or spade and also the tithes of wood for fuel , coppice wood , thorns , rushes , faggots and fardells , within the bounds of the Parish , all of which the vicars and his successors shall have "
20 each code should have the same number of letters as the real name to avoid tabbing difficulties later ;
21 Two main criteria were used when designing the VAX instruction format ; all instructions should have the natural number of operands and all operands should have the same generality in specification .
22 that he thinks that erm of all of these forced motivations class interest is the most damaging and he argues there 's a remedy for this , we 'll see why it 's a remedy in a minute , that certain people ought to be given more than one vote so that although everyone should have some votes , not everyone should have the same number of votes .
23 That they should have the same number of seconds but be taxed for using them .
24 This is true right down to the detail of how we use electronic mail , for example , in which , until we discover or are shown otherwise , we start from the assumption that this is a cheaper and more rapid method of writing the sort of letters we always wrote , and that those letters should have the same status , and be stored and referred to in the same way , as the written or typed ( and duplicated ) paper missive .
25 Well I ai n't had a on the same rate as me ! blue they should have the same , like mine !
26 It 's a plea which we suggest should make the timetable serve the child and not the reverse , and so what we 're doing is we 're saying to children erm ‘ Yes , you are of the same worth , you are of equal value , you should have the same care , love attention and the same resources ’ .
27 It is right and proper that everyone should have the same opportunity , but this can be controlled by one officer in my belief .
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