Example sentences of "should [vb infin] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Spending departments were to carry out reviews of programmes by questioning existing commitments and to ask whether they should exist at all and not only how they should be carried out ( see Pliatzky , 1982 , p. 99 ) .
2 In this chapter I shall argue that the no boundary condition for the universe , together with the weak anthropic principle , can explain why all three arrows point in the same direction — and moreover , why a well-defined arrow of time should exist at all .
3 Even to me then , it was strange that such a perception should dawn at that moment , when dogs were barking , wind was blowing in , everyone was making a hubbub , and Mary Shelley stood before me .
4 The draft reply contained one threat to report I M R O to the Securities and Investment Board for excessive enquiries er and for an unreasonable attitude and the other er bit of the reply was effectively a form of covering up presenting full financial information and disclosure to I M R O. Those replies were drafted by people inside the Maxwell organisation and you may want to comment on er the position , although I should stress at this stage that I like you have not seen the final version of any reply and I do not know whether I M R O persisted .
5 The Boundary Commission for Scotland concludes that the number of Scottish seats in the House of Commons should remain at 72 in spite of widespread speculation over the loss of Glasgow seats .
6 Divisional Grant should remain at 230 , but the extra payment option in case of need be increased from 75 to 100 .
7 No sir I I do accept first of all that the capacity of the city should remain at thirty three .
8 The age of consent was considered by the Policy Advisory Committee which recommended that it should remain at 16 .
9 Subsistence should remain at 11.50 per day , as this had been increased ahead of inflation in recent years .
10 In 1988 , the government 's Chief Medical Officer , Sir Donald Acheson , told the DoE that the level should remain at 50 mg/litre , mainly because , if a cancer risk existed , it would be a result of long-term exposure .
11 Calvet was in spectacular form at Paris , calling for an immediate rethink on Japanese access to Europe and outlining a five-point plan : that no new transplants be established in Europe ; that those in existence have outputs capped ; that quotas be maintained between 1992 and 2002 and continued after that if the Japanese do n't play ball ; that overall European penetration levels should stay at 10 per cent from the East and that France could keep its three per cent quota ; and finally , that all Japanese cars , no matter where they 're built , should be included in calculations , and the EC should assist automotive industry investment .
12 If we have not got through for what we need to er examine then the proposition is that we should reconvene at five thirty this evening .
13 I should think at that time the employers thought , Well we do n't want to be arguing about wages every five minutes during this War business you know and they all got b you know they got bags of work you know that of course , do n't you ?
14 We have said that nationalized industries should price at social marginal cost , but should this be short-run marginal cost ( SMC ) or long-run marginal cost ( LMC ) ?
15 ‘ Is it important that you should know at this very moment ? ’
16 They have basic rights which you should respect at all times .
17 And I think that perhaps we 've all learned a lesson from it , plus the fact that you 've er , had to climb out of an horrendous accident , but the fact that if you are still drinking at half past four in the morning , the last thing you should do at nine o'clock in the morning is get in the car and drive the damn thing .
18 That same week the stuff should appear at 20 to 25 Comdex booths in Las Vegas including 10 OEMs .
19 Well he should finish at nine
20 Jim should finish at nine
21 he should finish at nine or is it , or is it five to nine , I think it 's officially five to nine , not that he ever does
22 Both documents shared the same basic principles : education should divide at eleven ; it should be free in both primary and secondary stages ; and that the secondary stage should reflect the variety of abilities and aptitudes of the adolescent in institutional form .
23 I feel we should look at all towns and villages that have a gas supply , and create a detailed register of estates and streets that do not have gas pipes running through them .
24 Now that we have looked at Wharram Percy deserted village and seen something of the 30-year long excavations there , we should look at other studies and excavations on village sites which seem to suggest the same developments implied at Wharram Percy .
25 The right hon. Gentleman should look at other surveys and forecasters .
26 ‘ Because if it is , you really should look at that , ’ said Jay , letting the slow words hold her terror .
27 However , it is submitted that the court should look at that practice rather than the civil practice in relation to the admission of fresh evidence .
28 Even the chairman of the National Westminster bank has conceded that they should look at that issue .
29 We can not say what the scope of such a review should be in respect of the machinery 's wider preoccupations , but we think that it should look at two aspects in particular .
30 De Sade said that if one wants to know about death one should look at sexual excitement .
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