Example sentences of "should [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Whoever succeeds Jocelyn Stevens , and let it be soon , should as a first symbolic act immediately declare the start of restoration to the Albert Memorial .
2 Do not be afraid to ask questions , particularly , perhaps , questions as to why things are done in the way they are — though you should for a long time be very restrained in any suggestions you make for improvement .
3 He sees too that the other should from the first have known better , as he himself should ( he has come to understand that in retrospect ) , and therefore judges that they both made not only an unlucky but a bad choice .
4 The energetic pursuit of these two policies should in the long run ensure a substantial improvement in the employment situation .
5 It was ‘ wholly appropriate ’ that information in these circumstances should in the first instance be given in the absence of the public .
6 The Parliamentary Under Secretary of State , Mrs Virginia Bottomley , reiterated the familiar British line that while the government was ‘ already considering the scope of agricultural restrictions , ’ it ‘ believes that wherever possible , they should in the first event be on a voluntary basis , with compulsory powers being retained as a fall-back . ’
7 Contact with the Trade Finance manager should in the first instance be made through your account holding Branch Manager .
8 Under the Data Protection Act you are entitled , subject to certain limitations , to know what data about yourself is held on computer and , if you wish to exercise this right , you should in the first instance approach the Personnel Department .
9 If in a potentially life threatening situation or one in which irreparable damage to the patient 's health is to be anticipated , doctors or hospital authorities are faced with a refusal by an adult patient to accept essential treatment and they have real doubts as to the validity of that refusal , they should in the public interest , not to mention that of their patient , at once seek a declaration from the courts as to whether the proposed treatment would or would not be lawful .
10 ‘ such occasions [ when a judge may properly rule that a document ordinarily immune in the public interest should in the public interest be disclosed ] will be exceptional and the fluctuating fortunes of parties in litigious combat will rarely justify a judge in disturbing an immunity firmly rooted in the public interest .
11 It would be perfectly proper in an appropriate case to order the contravener to pay £100,000 to the investor , subject to the investor restoring the shares to the contravener , together with an order that the responsible third party should on a joint and several basis pay £50,000 to the investor .
12 Is it desirable that the finest and most sensitive part of a woman — that which God gave her , should on the one hand be wounded with such a wound as no proud and gentle nature ever recovers from , or else should on the other hand be deadened so that the woman becomes only half herself , and this is what the tyranny of the medical profession has accomplished .
13 Is it desirable that the finest and most sensitive part of a woman — that which God gave her , should on the one hand be wounded with such a wound as no proud and gentle nature ever recovers from , or else should on the other hand be deadened so that the woman becomes only half herself , and this is what the tyranny of the medical profession has accomplished .
14 Miss Rene ignored Miss Belle 's remark and , turning again to Agnes , said , ‘ It should happen that Mrs Bretton-Fawcett had some bills outstanding and that she should at the same time require one or two hats for herself and an equal number for her daughter .
15 This should at the same time lead to improved continuity of care for the patient .
16 By ensuring adequate representation of sentencers from all levels of court , in addition to other professionals with experience of the penal system , he suggests that such a body would be capable of developing realistic guidance for sentencing at all levels that should at the same time be acceptable to sentencers themselves .
17 It recommends that it should be taken over by the academy because of its focus on basic research and that it should at the same time establish links with a university .
18 We have decided to hand them over ( Gen Keightley is in touch and on good terms with the Russian general on his right ) , but I suggested that the Russians should at the same time give us any British prisoners or wounded who may be in his area .
19 I was not aware — I have not yet received reports — of that demonstration , but I believe that it is ironic that the IRA and its supporters should at the same time be enjoying the privileges of democracy and using the methods of terrorism .
20 Are you arguing Mr Girt that the level of provision of employment land proposed by North Yorkshire County Council is excessive , bearing in mind your request that the County Council should at the same time cater for one hundred percent of past migration trends , including that coming from the Leeds Metropolitan Area ?
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