Example sentences of "should [verb] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 I 'm going with a Scum season ticket holder and Newcastle Utd fan should make for an interesting evening all round .
2 Mr Brandt , who was mayor of West Berlin 28 years ago when East Berlin put up the Wall and who stood next to Mr Kennedy during his famous speech , said the barbed wire and wall were ‘ against the flow of history ’ , but added that it should remain as an ‘ an historical monstrosity ’ .
3 Formal monitoring should commence with an inspection of cleaning/disinfection standards , immediately preceding the trial , a record of which should be kept .
4 Strange that it should survive with an adversary , the BBMF Mk II Spit which I once serviced .
5 Since this causal chain is but part of a boundless nexus of causal chains that originate before and outside the perceived object and end beyond the perceiving body , it is not very clear why the former should count as an ‘ origin ’ .
6 This does not mean you should behave like an automaton .
7 Western diplomats wonder why Mr Suharto , a man who has near royal status in Indonesia , should behave like an everyday politician who likes to see his name in print .
8 Indeed , wherever assistance is defined as a gift ( rather than , for example , part of a broader pattern of exchange ) , it is likely to be regarded as inappropriate that the potential beneficiary should behave in an instrumental way towards the potential donor .
9 The Queen was adamant that the Princess should act as an intermediary between the architect , those involved with the house and herself , so that she could be a party to all their ideas .
10 In 1696 an Act of Parliament " for the Encouragement and Increase of Seamen " had provided that mariners , irrespective of rank , should pay 6d. per month out of their wages to support the Royal Naval Hospital at Greenwich which should act as an alternative to the parish relief which few sailors were able to claim even if they wished to do so .
11 This review process should result in an agreement of action to be taken at the next meeting to consolidate and celebrate strengths and to overcome weaknesses .
12 Secondly , a difference in the ability of the two halves of the brain to utilise advance information in selecting the required stimulus feature for further processing should result in an asymmetrical effect of pre-cueing in the partial report condition as compared with the full report condition .
13 The pupils should grow in an understanding of , and sensitivity towards , the beliefs and thoughts of other people in order to contribute to a more harmonious and tolerant society .
14 If a reply was ‘ unavoidable ’ , unions should refer to an attached five-page briefing note giving model replies to questions ranging from Labour Party funding to the minimum wage , and suggested that unions should highlight the financing of the Tories by business .
15 The passage from Lord Lindley 's judgment that I have cited has been relied on in a number of subsequent cases but , before coming to them , I should refer to an earlier case , Bainbrigge v. Browne ( 1881 ) 18 Ch.D. 188 .
16 Several kinds of DBMS are in use , and the interested reader should refer to an introduction to database management systems for a guide to the different types .
17 In the case of property companies and investment trusts the undertaking should refer to an increase in asset value per share for the remaining shareholders .
18 Instead , she argues that the feminine strand should contribute to an enlarged and revised universal conception of morality , in which the ideals of compassion and care are added to the more impersonal ideals of autonomous judgement and action .
19 Theoretically it should contribute to an understanding of the social construction of gender ordering of institutions .
20 By focusing upon the costs of production in different regions , the bases of competition , various indices of performance , and the major bottlenecks to growth , the study should contribute to an improved understanding of spatial variations in small firm development .
21 The garden for them should feel like an extra sitting room , gnat-ridden perhaps , damp occasionally , but an important overflow of living space .
22 It should feel like an event . ’
23 Give 4 details which should appear on an order form other than the name and address of buyer and seller .
24 Since it was essential to Bismarck 's plans that France should appear as an aggressive power , threatening Prussia in particular and the peace of Europe in general , the situation was not developing as he had hoped .
25 The overflow itself should discharge in an obvious place where it can not be ignored .
26 It is in such conditions that we should look for an explanation of the outcrop in the 1860s of sensational popular fiction , replete with desertion , adultery , bigamy and sudden death ; much of it was written from the woman 's point of view by women writers , such as Mary Braddon , Rhoda Broughton and Mrs Henry Wood .
27 The haulier should look for an insolvency practitioner able to give up-to-date and detailed advice in accordance with the new law .
28 I find it surprising that Nigel Bruce , in his letter today in support of euthanasia , should use as an argument the character and actions of a God in whom , as a humanist , he does not believe .
29 Borrowing from the Intel Corp/MS-DOS world , the idea was that character-based applications should run on an ABI-compliant version of Unix as easily on one machine as on another with the same CPU .
30 Mac applications should run in an X-Window on any PowerOpen application programming interface-compliant implementation on a PowerPC system .
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