Example sentences of "should [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Without doubt the two best Cup teams in the country have reached Twickenham this season and it should make for a superb final .
2 BA chief executive Tim Godfray said the attractive location should make for a popular and well-attended conference .
3 50 races … solos and sidecars … should make for a thrilling showdown .
4 I 'm going with a Scum season ticket holder and Newcastle Utd fan should make for an interesting evening all round .
5 She pointed out how to deal with a child , for example , who has run away near a busy road : ‘ You should explain to a child that it is creating danger , or is in a dangerous situation .
6 At sea , the Royal Navy should prepare for a long ‘ broken back ’ period after a nuclear exchange in Europe , during which resupply across the North Atlantic would be vital to the United Kingdom 's survival , whether the exchange had been decisive or not .
7 The alliance should prepare for a conventional war lasting no more than a few days .
8 ‘ A revolutionary socialist newspaper should exist for a specific purpose ; it should have a clearly defined perspective ’ , wrote Tariq Ali ominously in the anniversary editorial .
9 SFA has some very important rules as to who a firm should treat as a customer in these circumstances .
10 After that , Dinah should disappear for a little ; they must not grow accustomed to her , and he himself had a leading part waiting which demanded full passions ; that of Tamburlaine .
11 Whether Highland should remain as a single-tier region or be divided into smaller units is likely to be one of the most difficult decisions Mr Lang faces as he reaches an advanced stage of drawing up his plans for local government reform .
12 Mr Brandt , who was mayor of West Berlin 28 years ago when East Berlin put up the Wall and who stood next to Mr Kennedy during his famous speech , said the barbed wire and wall were ‘ against the flow of history ’ , but added that it should remain as an ‘ an historical monstrosity ’ .
13 Where students esteem that there is better provision to be found in , for example , a local Tertiary College , they will vote with their feet and the argument that they should remain in a Catholic Sixth Form , solely because it is Catholic , holds little sway .
14 In spite of the postponement , a number of senior Liberal Democrats believe the Convention should remain in a state of suspended animation for the near future .
15 I would therefore argue that even if the discrepancy between girls ' and boys ' performance at the top levels of achievement in mathematics was entirely due to differences in ability ( which I do not believe , but nevertheless should stay as a possible hypothesis ) , there is a strong case for saying that we should act to try to alter the situation .
16 It is my considered opinion that we should stay at a safe distance and await further developments . ’
17 Forgive me but it seems to me strange that a lady such as you … how shall I say … should stay in a pensione .
18 This does not mean that you should stay in a firm that stoops to fraud or illegality ; but idealistic notions have to face an economic assessment .
19 Try the Terry Wogan Test : jump up and down and if anything wobbles that should n't , it 's fat , and you should think about a diet .
20 He should think for a moment what that means .
21 Well then while I was serving as a detective , you can just imagine I made plenty of arrests , and I got along reasonably well with most people , but there was one man I hated yes I hated him , I , I 'd only been a detective I should think for a period of about , oh five or six months , and a man , he called on the Reverend who was the , the vicar of St. Mary where
22 Then the masses of the W and Z particles should relate in a precise way according to the electro-weak theory .
23 Formal monitoring should commence with an inspection of cleaning/disinfection standards , immediately preceding the trial , a record of which should be kept .
24 This , together with the fall in house prices over the last three years , means that mortgage affordability should fall to a 20 year-low .
25 The more cautious analytical corporate financier might feel more at home in an accountancy firm , but the wheeler-dealer type should opt for a bank .
26 ‘ Well , Miss Day , I 'm sorry but I see no excuse to recommend you should opt for a termination .
27 The resulting Palache Report , named after its chairman and published by the CFC in 1944 , articulated Balcon 's concern that the British cinema was becoming a ‘ channel for disseminating the ideas and aspirations , no matter how worthy in themselves , of one or two dominating personalities in this country , ’ and backed his view that the British industry should concentrate on a regular output of low-budget , authentically British films .
28 In letters to the Israeli and Palestinian delegations it was suggested that the two sides should concentrate on a discussion of the practical details of Palestinian self-government in the West Bank and Gaza Strip .
29 Critics say it should concentrate on a less exclusive market .
30 Benson 's text is a welcome addition for those who treat female patients with various urogenital and anorectal complaints , and it should appeal to a broad range of readers , from medical students to subspecialist physicians .
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