Example sentences of "may have [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 something which they may have saved for themselves or perhaps by doing an odd job here and there , and working a day or two a week , which will not make too great demands on their strength , but will just keep the household going .
2 On 26 May Mozart appeared at court before the King of Prussia , a keen amateur cellist , who may have asked for some quartets .
3 When the agency has produced specific proposals for your campaign — or anything else you may have asked for — the account executive will normally introduce them , and may present the entire proposals personally , without calling on other members of the group to cover their specialities .
4 A report is aimed at a particular reader who is expecting and may have asked for facts , conclusions and recommendations .
5 The entire proceedings , including questions which the data collector may have asked for clarification during the search , were recorded on a sound recorder .
6 He may have asked for Norman help against his enemies in 1009 , and a continental source records that he at some point appealed to the French monarch Robert the Pious for assistance , conceivably in the hope that he could exert pressure on the Normans .
7 There the Millers may have lived for a short while .
8 He lived at Charing Cross in 1585 , in 1589–90 in Writtington , Essex , by 1596 he writes from ‘ my house in Hamsell Park , Sussex ’ , while early in the 1600s he may have lived for a time in Isleworth , Middlesex .
9 Most of these , too , developed along existing paths , the paths that ran from village to village in Saxon times , though here and there they may have called for a new piece to complete the chain of paths .
10 It may have rained for hours , but it made little difference to the River Lambourn .
11 Adam may have fallen for your charms , but I 've got a clear head and I 'm immune . ’
12 It introduces the thought that in his speech as well as in his writing , Johnson understood that the essence of art lies in the perfect marriage of form and content , therefore , Boswell may have reached for an accuracy beyond sycophancy .
13 Some establishments may have applied for commendation but have yet to be assessed .
14 Thus , when the police officer comes to make his decision he must do so knowing of the defendant 's preference and any reason the defendant may have given for it .
15 Finding out that the goods were stolen after receipt is not handling , but if the accused then , for example , sells them , he may have arranged for their disposal for the benefit of another .
16 Last year 's postal strike supplied a further motive , as I suspect it may have done for many other recent fax converts .
17 So although the machine may have run for eight minutes , it was not an uninterrupted eight minutes .
18 Charles 's reaction finally closed the door on any love Diana may have felt for him .
19 Such pity as she well may have felt for Ramsey in its distress , he has traduced and despoiled , and here we have no rights .
20 There have been occasional remarks that some players may have dallied for a time with what are known as recreational drugs .
21 She comes with the reluctant insouciance that says , ‘ You may have paid for me but you do n't own me . ’
22 As George Male points out : ‘ It was done to foil any over-confidence we may have had for the next game , for he knew the opposition would go all out against us after our big win .
23 And whatever attractions Church and throne may have had for the peasantry , their hold on educated society was being slowly eroded .
24 Although these biases can not be refuted , in reality the staff completing the schedules tended to be those dealing with residents on a day to day basis , rather than home owners and managers , who might have been more concerned with the implications the results may have had for their establishment .
25 The first arises because at stage ( 2 ) delivery of the documents may not necessarily be matched by payment of the full price ; the agreement may have provided for payment by instalments and the seller will then retain a lien on the shares as an unpaid seller .
26 He may have died for nothing
27 But the r and K lines were cultured at different densities , so that selection on life-history traits other than late fecundity may also have differed between them and may have accounted for the decline in late fertility of the r -line females .
28 He describes the toy drawer exactly , from the rubber sealing rings out of old tobacco tins , kept to make catapults ( which , with the string and the electric flex , were the principal binding agents in the mass ) , to the leaking paper bag of saltpetre ( which may have accounted for the choking smell ) .
29 This fantasy may have accounted for the arrogance of Conroy towards Queen Victoria .
30 Okay , so what acc what may have accounted for agriculture 's decline in relative terms in world trade ?
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