Example sentences of "may not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He may not talk at all … ’
2 Politicians may not talk to us publicly , but they do privately . ’
3 The tendency to leave paid employment at or even before the age of eligibility for state pension may or may not continue into the future .
4 Those may or may not lead to training or jobs but once a person registers for an interview they are taken off the jobless total .
5 Monotype said yesterday it had received an approach ‘ which may or may not lead to an offer ’ from Mirror Group Newspapers .
6 Bad driving may or may not lead to an accident , depending on the chance conjunction of other factors and other people 's behaviour .
7 A degree in your fifties , sixties and seventies may not lead to a new career , but it will certainly result in a growing confidence and greater fulfilment .
8 These impairments may or may not lead to functional disability , resulting in a handicap .
9 And the relative autonomy of certain factors within the whole allows the possibility of uneven development ; for example an economic mode of production may run ahead of a legitimating ideology , or a scientific revolution may not lead to technological change .
10 And this , as once again Wollheim argues , though it may not lead to action like that in the representation , acts as a lure to the formation of fresh dispositions to act — of fresh desires .
11 An increased number of children may not lead to more dwellings being required , but rather to the same number of larger homes ; or may affect the types of homes needed , such as those with amenities like gardens : conversely , an ageing population , which tends to consist of smaller household sizes , may need a larger number of dwellings , perhaps smaller and with special requirements such as ease of access .
12 Cannabis may not lead to crime , but jailing people for drug offences does .
13 The Business is constantly engaged in negotiations which may or may not lead to a contract .
14 Nevertheless , TNCs do introduce much useable technology into the Third World , and while it may not lead to the conquest of global markets it may still have a very positive effect on industry and employment in particular countries .
15 Cannabis may not lead to crime , but jailing people for drug offences does .
16 The feeling is , rather , that a certain genetic vulnerability is inherited which may or may not lead to schizophrenia .
17 There is no requirement to name the potential offeror , and the announcement may simply be that the talks may or may not lead to an offer being made .
18 ( c ) following an approach to the board of the target company , which may or may not lead to an offer , the primary responsibility lies with the board of the target , which must accordingly keep a close watch on its share price .
19 Readers should note that a warning announcement ( which may be an announcement that the target is having talks which may or may not lead to an offer ) or a temporary suspension of listing ( pending clarification of the position ) may be required .
20 Even those who attain high levels may not choose to ( a substantial proportion of graduates in science and technology do not pursue careers in these ) .
21 For an artist to travel is to set out on a visual adventure which may or may not end in fulfilment .
22 Portuguese and Danish funds may not invest in other countries .
23 powerful local managers may not stand for centralised decision making .
24 ( vii ) Persons guilty of a corrupt practice are disqualified from standing in any constituency for five years ; persons guilty of an illegal practice may not stand for five years in the constituency in which the offence was committed ( see above , pp.75–6 ) .
25 Today , with an irresistible single behind them , OCS may or may not stand on the threshold of a wonderfully fresh new scene : they have successfully meshed the musical phenomenon of the past couple of years with a sound of their heroes , The Beatles and the Stones .
26 In most African countries , government involvement in , and even supervision of , the press may not rest on such ideological precepts : sound pragmatic and economic reasons exist for that involvement .
27 The problem is that the two may not change in tandem ; the first may need to change rapidly , while the latter change only slowly if at all .
28 Texts are specially valuable for supplying a lot of information which you may not acquire from any other source , either from elicited data or from conversations while out visiting .
29 These may not result in typical Doitsu scalation but they can affect the body shape .
30 To tell people you are ‘ deaf ’ may not result in immediate co-operation .
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