Example sentences of "may be more [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There may be more complexities , too .
2 As expenditures on arms decline with the ending of the cold war , there may be more money available for aid , but democratic politics being what they are , few would care to bet on it ; certainly not on any percentage saved being set aside for the developing nations .
3 He said there may be more money somewhere , but he could n't be sure .
4 ‘ There may be more bills at the old flat ! ’
5 If it is set too low , then the opposite occurs and Offline will believe the tape is full when there may be more space available .
6 There may be more work as she gets older , she says : ‘ I 'd like to do the kind of roles Anjelica Huston can do .
7 There may be more scope for a GIS approach in the latter than in the former situations .
8 Where the issue does not fall into a familiar category , there may be more scope for the draftsman .
9 It might , however , be the method of choice against mosquitoes in urban regions where there may be more houses than breeding places , where there is likely to be opposition to house spraying , and where the breeding places are limited and more easily identified .
10 To be able to give parents all our attention while we are with them , and to shed other responsibilities during that period , may be more help than longer visits undertaken in a hurried and half-attentive way .
11 On ice-scoured uplands and coastal flats there may be more ponds and lakes than dry land .
12 Erm so if you 're getting another job obviously , you 've got to think that you may not need as much income , er if you 're taking the early retirement well obviously you may be more income dependent , and do a personal budget , going back to that pro forma , if you spend a bit of time doing a budget , you will find it beneficial .
13 There may be more overlap between levels than in the smaller library but each level still has training needs to be met , and those needs do not differ greatly from those indicated . ’
14 There may be more overlap between levels in the smaller library but each level still has training needs to be met and those needs do not differ greatly from those indicated . ’
15 There may be more rabbits down the hole and very close .
16 Critics say this spells trouble for clients as there may be more incentive for these brokers to churn the client 's portfolio to generate an income for themselves .
17 There may be more room for choice in the new system and users may be in a stronger position to influence the planning of those choices , but the range of services is unlikely to widen .
18 There may be more security in hanging on to the old and acquiring something new as well .
19 ‘ There may be more news .
20 All week long , the Hollywood gossip about this case was of drugs , mysticism and off-beat sex , and for once there may be more truth than fantasy in the flashy talk of the town . ’
21 More recently , these hidebound attitudes have changed , in that educated , intelligent Christians accept that there is little need for God to perform a miracle ( unless , moving in mysterious ways , He particularly wants to ) when He can create the same effect using natural processes ; while scientists have begun more and more to recognize that there may be more truth in the mystical writings of the Christian and other religions than they have previously been prepared to admit .
22 Now that the Apple Computer Inc v Microsoft Corp lawsuit has been defanged and the only thing standing between Bill Gates and world domination is the Federal Trading Commission — see page three : there may be more truth than not in the observation that Microsoft wants IBM to have OS/2 so they ca n't be accused of being a monopoly .
23 He does n't appeart to have struck since the end of January but one thing worrying the investigators is that there may be more victims who are too scared to come forward .
24 There may be more reluctance , even strong resistance , to a transfer of role .
25 Depending on reactions to this first effort , there may be more tracks to ‘ get more people involved from the club ’ , but Danny is unwilling to commit himself to anything except his work as a DJ — ‘ I love it and I 'd never give it up for anything . ’
26 In every major burrow there is a main entrance-cum-exit and in addition there may be more entrances and a number of emergency exits .
27 This may be satisfactory in a matter where there is substantial work involved , but in many cases , such as minor motoring offences , where the client , after being advised , may wish to plead guilty , there may be more trouble in having the English forms completed than in assisting the client .
28 Having explored some aspects of being a principal carer , and the cared for elderly person in a close relationship in a family , we need to look in more detail at the character of informal care networks , where there may be more people involved in a less intense way .
29 Lovers of a good strong cuppa may be interested to know that there may be more caffeine in a cup of tea than in a cup of coffee .
30 There may be more enquiries from tenderers outside the UK and specifications will have to refer to relevant European standards .
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