Example sentences of "may [be] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If we find that when we have stopped it , either things are just as bad ( which is improbable ) or that they are still fairly bad , then indeed it will be easier , scientifically easier , to detect any other causes which may be at work . ’
2 Whatever the religious , psychological , or sexual significance of the station , more powerful and directly ideological forces may be at work , using the station to convey a political message .
3 Rather , something more subtle may be at work .
4 All three factors may be at work .
5 However , additional mechanisms may be at work .
6 In certain circumstances , both downwards and upwards pressures may be at work at the same time .
7 Sometimes where there is a third party , such as a foundation with clear principles or there is government or local authority involvement , the pressure on the foundation representatives and public servants is to conform to an ‘ official ’ position which may be at odds with the way the project is developing and the views of the other partners .
8 Mansell may be at odds with Team Renault-Williams , but he will be keen to give them all the feedback he can when he takes the dream car for a spin at Silverstone tomorrow .
9 The Everqueen 's policies may be at odds with those of the Phoenix King .
10 Second , there are ‘ coupling constraints ’ , which reflect individuals ' commitments to engage in specific activities at specific times ( work , school , or appointments ) which may be at odds with the timing of public transport services .
11 ( c ) Position conflicts : the position you take in one piece of litigation may be at odds with the position you want to take in a subsequent action ( for example , in advancing the cause of a plaintiff you may adopt a position that puts you in difficulty with some defence clients who are less than impressed with the vigour with which you espouse the plaintiff 's cause ) .
12 The A&R people will listen to them at their own convenience , which may be at midnight after a gig or on a flight across the Atlantic .
13 Others , such as Asians , may be at present living within extended families .
14 What is less obvious is that the marine transgression , or whatever other event it may be at Locality " A " could well be reflected in some way in the different facies at Locality " B " .
15 Again , the meaning of " necessary " may be at issue but the important factor is that the presumption can be and , in many cases , probably will be cancelled out by express terms .
16 In this environment , students will be given opportunities to realise the need for new skills and abilities and their development will be supported in , what may be at times , personally challenging situations .
17 It was felt that however frustrating or exasperating our relationships with the churches may be at times , our ‘ bias to the churches ’ must continue but not at the cost of excluding other ‘ efficient ’ partners who are non-church .
18 You have to know where you are all the time ; this means you must know what mile number you are at , so on day 4 you may be at mile 47 .
19 Men tend to put greater store by their work once there are children ( perhaps because of the burden of being the sole earner , and perhaps because their place at work is not unchallenged in the way it may be at home ) and housework , which before may have been shared equally , often now falls to the woman .
20 You may be at home when someone calls round and leaves their children with you ; you want to do your own thing but do n't feel you can say ‘ No ’ , so you say ‘ Yes ’ .
21 Finally , as the advanced further education pool is virtually certain to be reduced , in relative terms , in the next few years and consequently the survival of some institutions may be at stake , NAB 's most difficult job is likely to be to steer public sector higher education through the stormy seas ahead with as little long-term damage as possible .
22 But though the camera may be at gut level , a cerebral decision has placed it there , and it is characteristic of Greenaway that he should stylise a major element of his film in this way .
24 They may be at risk because of identifiable genetic disorders which are known to be present , or because of the age of the mother .
25 Although you can not be forced to accept a variation in the agreement , your job may be at risk if you stand on your rights .
26 If you are away from work for a lengthy period , or for short spells at frequent intervals , your job may be at risk .
27 Apart from risks to patients related to medications , nurses themselves may be at risk , for example , when handling cytotoxic drugs which are being used increasingly in the treatment of cancer .
28 We should first consider the availability and quality of data concerning the populations who may be at risk from the storage and transport of hazardous substances , from toxic air pollution , from flooding and so on .
29 AIDS : transfusion patients may be at risk
30 People who may be at risk of having HIV are asked not to donate blood .
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