Example sentences of "may [be] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Watership Down may be up the road , but Basingstoke proved no rabbits .
2 Loyalty bonuses for disloyal players , bloated payments to executives , contracts which give managers shares of transfer fees and other salary innovations may be above the law but they are rooted in the same dark subsoil which nourishes numerous rackets and scams .
3 Thus , a glacial terrace profile may be above the interglacial or Post-glacial profile upstream and below it downstream : the terrace profiles , in fact , cross ( Fig. 9.9 ) .
4 They may be above the age of criminal responsibility but children aged between ten and 14 are presumed not to know the difference between right and wrong , therefore incapable of committing an offence .
5 Also , young children 's answers to examination questions may be off the mark , not because they do not know what they are being tested for , but because they misinterpret the examiner 's intention .
6 Who knows , the next foray may be into the south .
7 The more thoughtful among them point out that although many parts of the service may be over the heads of the kids , it is nevertheless directed at all worshippers and no part of the service ought to be segregated from another .
8 Well that dreary tale may be over the worst now .
9 The first punch may be to the face , so attention is focused there .
10 The fact is we remain an island power and can not ignore the sea however close we may be to the Continent .
11 If the garage has a ‘ flat ’ roof , it will have a slight drainage slope , which may be to the side or the rear .
12 The overall emphasis on cost and efficiency in the reformed National Health Service is likely to increase pressures for further reducing the length of hospital stays , and once again this may be to the detriment of older patients .
13 Even in a socialist country like Tanzania , however committed one may be to the abolition of privilege in society , there is no arguing with the fact that young people with secondary and higher education can expect life to bring them a richer and more interesting experience than it does to the primary school leaver .
14 A puff it may be to the deposed kings of world rugby , but the Taiwanese are taking the training stint , which will be used as a build-up to September 's Asian tournament , in deadly earnest .
15 If our legal system allows companies the ability to make profits and trade unions to bargain collectively for wage increases , then we should not be surprised that companies will wish to exploit profit opportunities and trade unions secure higher wages whenever possible , however inconvenient at times that may be to the government .
16 otherwise than with the left or nearside of the vehicle as close as may be to the edge of the carriageway .
17 ‘ otherwise than with the left or nearside of the vehicle as close as may be to the edge of the carriageway ’ .
18 ‘ otherwise than with the left or nearside of the vehicle as close as may be to the edge of the carriageway ’ .
19 This point was proved by showing in evidence that the vehicle was the wrong way round , i.e. the offside or right of the vehicle was next to the kerb or that the nearside was not as close as may be to the kerb .
20 Psychological explanations may be to the point here , or speculations about the evolutionary history of the faculties in question .
21 Important as they may be to the birds and trout , they can be very annoying to humans and , although they may not bite , the sheer numbers of midges and blackflies have been known to send birdwatchers — and particularly photographers — into paroxysms of rage and frustration .
22 These magistrates are present as full members in their own right and are not co-opted as non-council members may be to the education or certain other committees .
23 Though initial approaches from the link person and/or the DCSL may be to the head or the head 's senior nominee , it is to the library committee that the objectives and function of the project in the school are most often spelled out .
24 Whatever advantages there may be to the shareholders in the adoption of one or other of these goals as the object of directors ' duties , liability rules , as will be shown in more detail in section II , are too unsophisticated a control technique to make it possible in practice to discriminate between them .
25 Thus it can be seen that the records of Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic flints , few and sparse as they may be to the local researcher , may , together with palaeo-environmental information and some idea of such early hunting , fishing and gathering life-styles , lead to a real appreciation of how the landscape was used by people in these early periods in the area under study .
26 9. ( 1 ) After the initial allotment any shares proposed to be issued shall first be offered to the members in proportion as nearly as may be to the number of the existing shares held by them respectively .
27 9. ( 1 ) After the initial allotment any shares proposed to be issued shall first be offered to the members in proportion as nearly as may be to the number of the existing shares held by them respectively .
28 It acts to foster rather than hinder the material and non-material interests of most groups involved in the planning process , although it may be to the short term tactical advantage of some not to recognise the fact .
29 The court has no power to order a medical or psychiatric examination of a parent no matter how relevant this may be to the proceedings .
30 Also it may be to the witnesses that things are different now he is no longer with us . ’
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