Example sentences of "may [vb infin] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Some cyclists may prefer to dismount in order to make these turns , especially when crossing a road .
2 Some cyclists may prefer to dismount in order to make these turns , especially when crossing a road .
3 The theme of craft runs around the complex , and already the architect Theo Crosby has a list of potential craftspeople who may want to participate in furnishing the centre with anything from furniture to ironwork and stained glass .
4 Mr , sorry I you may want to comment in fact about the relationship of these figures and the emerging policy in Cleveland .
5 Alternatively , the designer may commence working in " free-space " and later declare it as having fu
6 In the drive to make whole or , at least , a bit more whole , partners may need to regress in order to go forward again .
7 It is possible that for brief periods during construction of the breakwater , barges or other vessels may need to moor in positions which would affect operation of the radar station .
8 Even a non-trading corporation may need to engage in various activities in pursuance of its objects .
9 He may need to stay in pyjamas and dressing gown for a long time until he can learn how to cope with normal clothes .
10 They may have to save before they marry , and both may need to stay in work for as long as possible .
11 Neither precedent nor legislation is sufficient in its own right ; common-law principles may need codifying in a statute , and a statute will need judicial interpretation to determine the scope of its operation .
12 Unless the gutters are screwed directly to the fascia boards there will be brackets , either screwed to the fascia boards or screwed to the roof rafters — part of the roof covering may need lifting in order to remove them .
13 — Plug in to the mains ( you may need to plug in player and monitor separately ) ;
14 But they may need to bear in mind the wish of some of their key workers to move in the opposite direction .
15 Part IV contains a short list of addresses of people you may need to contact in connection with your application .
16 Decisions are then needed on how to train , which will include whether or which parts should be on-line or off-line , whether the operator is required to function in a mainly programmed ( i.e. rule-following ) mode and how far he may need to function in a conceptual ( i.e. actions based on understanding ) mode .
17 They may choose to invest in financial assets ( such as government bonds or building society deposits ) or in real assets ( such as property or antique furniture ) .
18 The US appears willing to take Mr Yang , but he may choose to live in Taiwan .
19 Even during the monthly menstrual cycle an individual woman 's image may change : subtle differences are produced in complexion , expression and posture , differences which the woman may choose to emphasize in her dress according to her state of mind and body .
20 ‘ Publication should remain a matter for the editor 's discretion , but if a complaint is subsequently upheld the council may feel justified in strengthening criticism . ’
21 Class teachers too may feel justified in leaving children with special educational needs to the resident ‘ expert ’ , instead of developing confidence in being able to meet those needs themselves .
22 In the new circumstances , ministers may feel justified in taking a little longer to reach their conclusions so that they can not be accused of hasty actions which they might later regret .
23 Women who study the subject because they believe it to be solely about intuitive response may feel caught in this paradox .
24 Yeah , they may feel constrained in their very traditional modes of life dominated by religion or some er some restrictive erm
25 ‘ Aye , after a battle once you have recited your thanksgivings , or prior to a campaign , while you are girding your soul for a crusade as now , as blessedly now — many of you may yearn to kneel in your cell with saw and magnilens , with rasp and buffing wheel and carbide graver , with brush and inkhorn .
26 Moreover , they allow the adult participant to supply prompts and respond to difficulties which the child may appear to have in comprehending or replying .
27 Emphasizing the role of competition between firms in raising real wages may appear to fly in the face of the everyday reality of pay negotiations .
28 THE TVP 's crank-driven DIY rock ‘ n ’ roll may sound dated in these wearing , uncaring times , but that said they still have n't lost the knack of pulling a good tune from seemingly nowhere or coming up with an idea that will tug at your sleeve for attention .
29 It is possible that Mr Brooke , or a successor , may begin to think in terms of reducing the UDR 's role and size , and perhaps even phasing it out .
30 As a result , various portions of one chain may become incorporated in more than one crystallite during growth , thereby imposing a strain on the polymer which retards the process of crystallite formation .
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