Example sentences of "may [vb infin] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Rather than let their cottages become occupied by potential sitting tenants , some farmers may prefer to let them to anyone but their own employees .
2 Many people when they have something to discuss may prefer to take it outside their family group to an old friend or a trusted adviser .
3 But logical or not , the 5TH is certainly complicated — as the most respectable of its apologists admit , though they may prefer to call it " sophisticated " and will refrain from giving a full and candid account of the intricacies of its operation .
4 Sometimes such material is simply tipped-in or stuck down on a blank ; the professional may prefer to inlay it on paper to match the size of the volume , which will often be fairly large .
5 Even if you are a very small business or taking on domestic staff you should write a job specification , although you may prefer to make it a more informal list of everything the job entails .
6 For example , the two competing public interests in employment cases are : ( a ) a person should be held to his promise ; and ( b ) every person should be free to exercise his skill and experience to the best advantage of himself and of those who may want to employ him ( see Lord Atkinson in Morris ( Herbert ) v Saxelby [ 1916 ] 1 AC 688 ) .
7 In the meantime , of course , the holders of the bonds may want to sell them .
8 Well they may want to lead it themselves and actually
9 You may want to use it to chop through modest-sized tree and bush roots so an effective , labour-saving cutting edge is a must .
10 You may want to instruct him to say each pair twice all the way through , without you having to ask for a repeat each time .
11 But if you have that information you may want to confirm it 's right .
12 Tom will want to check for proteinuria and test your reflexes , but even if those things are normal he and Dr Greene may want to pop you in hospital for a while . ’
13 It shows does n't it ? you may want to discuss her too
14 I 'll do in that case is hold this press release because you may want to change it again a little bit .
15 You may wish to leave your monthly transfer at the same amount ; or you may want to amend it in the light of an increase in the cost of living or changes in your expenditure plans .
16 If your item of concern has been placed at the end of the agenda , the probability is that time will run out and you may want to get it moved forward .
17 You may have included words that do n't fit , and you may want to remove them immediately from the list , so as to avoid confusion when you check .
18 However , it follows on very naturally from the issues raised in chapter 3 , and some may want to read it directly after that .
19 If you 've got a sister who 's a Rainbow , she may want to read it first .
20 For our pay rounds we now create APL programs to model the types of offers we may make to enable us to assess the costs and effectiveness of different strategies ( as in figure 13 ) .
21 I may seek to control him , if he is potentially useful to me ; but I shall be betraying my principles if I begin to enjoy the sensation of another resisting and yielding , if I develop a taste for power for its own sake .
22 The F-A will now decide whether it should take action against the men which may include banning them from football for life .
23 If you are claiming compensation for damage , please keep the damaged article and its packaging , as we may need to inspect them .
24 Read the instructions supplied with the card as if there are serial and parallel ports on the card you may need to configure them as LPT2 , COM3 and COM4 if those devices are already installed .
25 If a player 's fitness falls below 75% his performance is impaired — you may need to substitute him .
26 Erm it 's in Leeds erm and they know that I 'm going but I may need to call them and say that I 'm sending somebody else because I ca n't possibly go anywhere during the day on Wednesday .
27 When you want other people to do things for you , then style should be polite and you may need to persuade them to co-operate .
28 You may need to allow her to feel very free to express mixed feelings of grief and anger too within the safety of your confidential relationship .
29 You may need to watch him at first , so that you can clean and dress any grazes or cuts immediately .
30 ‘ If Carnelian leaves Stalinvast , ’ Jaq said bluntly , ‘ we may need to take you a vast distance . ’
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