Example sentences of "may also [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 They may also trap the dew in hairs .
2 These changes may also precede the development of adenomatous polyps .
3 However , events which entitle the contractor to an extension of time may also entitle the contractor to recover extra costs .
4 They almost certainly meet the needs of individual clients , but , like primary nursing , they may also fulfil the needs of the professionals concerned so successfully that the professionals , rather than the recipients of care , are really the most important clients of the system .
5 Professional workers may best be able to serve the interests of their clients if they are part of a strong , independent and highly qualified group which , of course , may also serve the personal ends of the members .
6 For the purpose of seeing whether his suspicions are well-founded , he may … stop any person carrying goods which he suspects to have been stolen , he may also examine the person and detain him .
7 The conference of 1891 was urged to ‘ create in your respective centres a healthier yearning for an educated ministry , which may also retain the grand , sterling qualities of our fathers ’ .
8 Public holidays and religious festivals may also affect the availability of resort and hotel facilities .
9 As ever , there is much to be gained from seeking expert advice at an early stage , especially since tax law changes at least as rapidly as employment law and your personal circumstances may also affect the view that you ought to take .
10 Choices are still made , though external circumstances may limit the initial range of options and may also affect the outcome of the policy chosen .
11 Excess salt has been shown to be linked to high blood pressure and may also affect the efficient function of the kidneys .
12 Foreign policy may also affect the expatriate 's business or social activities .
13 It may also affect the propensity of workers who become unemployed to remain union members , since the cost of membership becomes relatively more expensive and any collective bargaining advance which the union secures will have little relevance for them .
14 Where the interview is held may also affect the validity of the replies .
15 Possible future labour shortages may also affect the formal care sector .
16 As Furth ( 1982 ) points out , this may result in increased status differentiation within higher education between subjects or institutions ; it may also affect the ‘ hidden ’ curriculum of assumed values , perspectives and relationships ( Becker et al .
17 As is made clear below , bucket size may also affect the algorithm chosen .
18 For example , the presence of transactions costs may mean that the basis can change within the appropriate no-arbitrage band , while changes in taxation may also affect the basis .
19 The method of information gathering ( by questionnaire or face to face interview ) may also affect the results .
20 Interaction may also affect the intracellular milieu by changing the intracellular pH .
21 They may also contain the eggs , spores or pupae of other small animals that will hatch out when you have put the material in your microhabitat .
22 This " technical " work space may also contain the graphical derivatives of any or all of the primary functions ( to give all velocity and acceleration components ) as well as various combined or transposed function diagrams .
23 Knowing the original figures may also change the meaning or alter the impact of the data .
24 Those which live in areas regularly covered in snow may also change the colour of their fur to white .
25 The region 's relatively high rainfall may encourage these wetland species , but their presence may also reflect the wider tolerance plants show when freed from having to compete .
26 This may be true — it is already true of a great many regulations with which companies must comply — but it may also reflect the fundamental nature of financial regulation .
27 It may also reflect the nature of the inmate population .
28 This is partly because private hospitals select simpler cases but may also reflect the lack of incentives to reduce admissions and length of stay in public hospitals and the absence of adequate community care for the impoverished populations which tend to use them .
29 Low values of mucosal trypsin inhibitor , superoxide dismutase , metallothionein , and glutathione , and of circulating superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase , and increased activities of circulating leukocyte elastase and colorectal mucosal collagenase may also reflect the activity of ROM in patients with active inflammatory bowel disease .
30 Her family is described as " infirm " , and this may explain why even with two of her daughters grown women in their twenties the family was able to earn little , although it may also reflect the fact that earning opportunities for women were so poor that even able-bodied spinsters could not wholly maintain themselves .
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