Example sentences of "may have been as " in BNC.

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1 This may have been as much due to tradition as to limited supplies or tin .
2 George Antonius suggested that the true statistic of starvation deaths in all Syria — including present-day Lebanon — may have been as high as 350,000 .
3 Field evidence ( D. J. Laming , pers. com. ) suggests it may have been as little as 2 or 3 km .
4 Scattered later evidence suggested that Wealden superstitions died hard ; indeed , it may have been as potent a force in determining local beliefs as organised Christianity at least until this present century .
5 The last apprehension may have been as much influenced by professional considerations as patriotic ones .
6 Similarly , the impact of GIST may have been as great in schools which had no contact with the project at all , because of the changing climate of opinion in which girls ' under-achievement in science and technology came to be seen as a serious educational issue .
7 Regular worshippers may have been as sparse then as they are today but he was a person to whom one turned in times of trouble , just as he was called on at times of family celebration .
8 Exactly how many boxes there were originally is not certain , although it seems there may have been as many as sixty-five , all of which were sent to Rome 's Istituto Centrale del Restauro in 1947 .
9 That she did so then may have been as much the consequence of events as of advice .
10 There may have been as many as 200 women compositors in London in the early 1890s , but as has been noted , the London Society of Compositors was able to exert pressure on employers and see that on the whole they were vanishing or being expelled to printing-houses in the Home Counties .
11 Remembered as a son of the King Cenberht who had been a co-ruler of the western Saxons with Cenwealh before his death in the 660s ( see above , p. 49 ) , he may have been as much a victim of the impact of earlier Mercian expansion under Wulfhere as of internal strife .
12 Exactly when , we do n't know , it may have been as late as the thirteenth century before it cut its way through .
13 The rain was pelting him relentlessly and he may have been as well to have had no clothes at all for all the protection his gave him .
14 Of course in the rice solutions used in the published field trials the protein content may have been as hgh as 10% and may therefore have contributed more to secondary salt and water absorption .
15 Police believe four men may have taken part in the grudge attack though they have been told there may have been as many as 10 .
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