Example sentences of "may have [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Loss of active swimming habits may have rendered the complex suture lines superfluous .
2 This magical number may have rendered the split-screen sequence superfluous ; but most Astaire and Charisse fans would probably give a day 's pay to see it once .
3 Reconstruction in Victorian times may have rendered the building even more forbidding .
4 You may have to unscrew the stove-fiddles to release the Thermos , and you 'll find the milk in the fridge to the right of the stove . ’
5 But in the end , we may have to save the honour of Genoa the Superb by attacking her . ’
6 Adam may have extended the invitation , but it happens to be my house . ’
7 ALLEGATIONS that the Department of Trade and Industry may have lost the taxpayer millions of pounds over the sale of the Rover Group to British Aerospace are to be made by the National Audit Office , Parliament 's financial watchdog .
8 In a clipped French sentence that sounded as if it had been well rehearsed , she told Agathe that she may have lost the produce of her labour but she had not lost the fruit of her labours .
9 Should you be unfortunate enough not to find a solution by this means , then you may have lost the alignment of the disk read/write heads .
10 Raymond is n't fond of Jewish cooking and I may have lost the knack .
11 ARDS may have lost the Irish Soccer Cup final to Bangor this season , but their swim minnows made sure Bangor were n't going to do a double at the Grove Pool last weekend .
12 A man who had superglue squirted in his face by muggers may have lost the sight of one eye .
13 A version of it may have heartened the Normans in 1066 ; and it is even possible that the earliest surviving version was composed in Normandy .
14 As such , the ethnic minorities represent a major demographic strength for parts of urban Britain , though at the same time their presence may have hastened the exodus of better-off whites and certainly gives rise to a very difficult set of policy issues ( Chapter 8 ) .
15 If you 're trying to combine both in your life the chances of your being hit by stress are probably higher-no matter how brilliantly you may have organized the family in your absence — and it is even more important to be able to deal with it .
16 On the other hand , small temples like the one at Gournia and those towns , like palaikastro , which apparently managed without temples , may have organized the agricultural production of their own estates near by on a scale that was commensurate with their size and rate of population growth .
17 Wigan may have begun the season with uncertainty in losing four out of their first nine games but , once they got into their stride , there was no stopping them .
18 A GUNG-HO sailor may have fired the missile that killed five Turks in a NATO exercise .
19 The firebombing of the Sherman & Grant office premises had underlined the lesson , while taking care of the possibility that the elder one may have kept the severed finger he had been sent as a warning .
20 The Iceni may have harried the northern boundary of the Trinovantes , with freedom to raid and loot , and the Regini provided the Roman fleet with an important haven in Bosham , from which the army launched its attack along the coast to the west .
21 And so the telegram was sent , a come-uppance which deserves quotation as an act that may have saved the world from early extinction by sheer megalomania : ‘ I deeply regret that it becomes my duty as president and Commander-in-Chief of the United States military forces to replace you as Supreme Commander , Allied Powers ; Commander-in-Chief , United Nations Command ; Commander-in-Chief , Far East ; and Commanding General , U. S. Army Far East .
22 Mr Goldin 's enthusiasm for a smaller , cheaper station may have saved the project from outright cancellation ; if that is the case , he has staked his reputation ( as well as a lot of public money ) on the outcome .
23 IF THE Hongkong and Shanghai Bank goes ahead with a takeover of Midland Bank , it may have to replace the pair of bronze lions that grace the entrance to its headquarters with a more appropriate symbol — such as a couple of ducks .
24 It is all supposition ; the gentry may have swung the government against the Act by now .
25 The controversy over Dow Corning 's role in introducing silicone breast implants increased in January when some US newspapers , including the Wall Street Journal , published summaries of internal documents and claimed that they suggest that it may have rushed the product through without adequate testing .
26 But the time has come to admit that in my efforts to explain this one valid point I may have misled the reader in other ways .
27 That document was today leaked in part in The Independent and the newspaper also contained my allegation that the Secretary of State may have misled the House in relation to figures that he quoted last week in the House .
28 Durfey may have written the lyrics himself , adding a coded signature to cock a snook at his detractors ( ‘ The Town may da-da-da-m me as a poet , but they sing my songs for all that ’ ) ; or he may conceivably have acted the part himself , for money he appeared to need , and plenty of laughs backstage .
29 I am sure that British Rail has considered all the options and it may have asked the consultants to study alternatives .
30 On the other hand , if it delays too long , a rival bird may have collected the prize .
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