Example sentences of "may [verb] been [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Tripp 's starting point may have been road accidents , but his overall grasp of the problem took him into wider fields .
2 The high interest rates might well have depressed investment if other things had remained equal , but there may have been changes in other factors that helped to maintain investment : in other words , the I curve shifted to the right .
3 These may have been farmsteads or hamlets , but they were certainly not large or extensive enough to be villages , whatever their status or internal arrangements .
4 This may have been Nicholas 's opinion of himself , but it did not affect many of his actions .
5 On May 19th seven civil servants were fired ( though , in one of many farcical moves , five have now been unfired ) among muttering that there may have been criminality in the office .
6 Dilnot and Kell felt that any ‘ incentive ’ effect which may have been present could only account , at most , for 1.2bn or 3% of the total increase in tax revenues over the period studied .
7 They thought she may have been sleep walking .
8 ‘ We have been monitoring the downward trend over the last 10 years , and our impression is that the decline is beginning to bottom out : there may have been 5m fewer loans last year , but the drop was 15m in 1991–92 .
9 One reason for this slow recognition may have been doubt about the term itself and confusion concerning what is actually meant ( Dean et al . ,
10 What is less widely known is that at this moment two P-38 Lightnings , ( distinctive , long-range US fighters ) appeared , their star insignia clearly visible , and although it may have been coincidence even to the sophisticated in a crowd of some hundreds of thousands it must indeed have appeared that the mandate of heaven had assumed its newest form .
11 This may have been coincidence or , as we noted earlier , a deliberate ploy to enhance his own standing .
12 I never once saw her drunk and think it may have been water in the evenings too , half the time .
13 Both Offa 's dislike of the men of Kent and the extent of the territory now coming under his control may have been factors in the situation in the late 780s , but in 798 Coenwulf and Leo were deploying these arguments selectively and in a way which compromises their validity as single explanations of what was probably a complex situation .
14 He may have been West Midlands Chief Constable when it 's squad was exposed for its creative-writing skills , but he was not to blame .
15 From the other point of the compass , the finds from a Canadian village have led the organisers to postulate that the ‘ prairie country ’ of Norse myth may have been Newfoundland , discovered 500 years before Columbus .
16 The plants were generally bushy shrubs , but some may have been climbers , and others robust enough to form small trees .
17 Iehmarc may have been Echmarcach Ragnallson , later king of Dublin ( see below ) , but who possibly in 1031 controlled part of Galloway and maybe the Isle of Man .
18 Although some of these may have been cases of a genuine change of religious commitment , in many I was given the strong impression that these were people who had come to the church regularly at the time when they were building their political careers but who had subsequently fallen away and now professed no strong denominational attachment .
19 There may have been cases where the acquisition of the wrappers conferred no direct benefit on the Nestle Co. , but there must have been many cases where it did .
20 There 's also a general view in the community that community care itself is not necessarily really working very well , there 's some fears about it , some uncertainties and a member did mention , it may have been Jim you know or somebody mentioned about the seven hours domiciliary , from my experience as a councillor I am not sure that simply because that figure exists that that means that that is satisfying the need of those people and in any case the sort of people who need to go into residential care , who can no longer be maintained in their home , with whatever help we give them or with whatever help their family have to give them they 're not necessarily the sort of people who we 're talking about need to go in a home .
21 There may have been queues in the streets when Derrida came to Oxford recently .
22 The appropriate words may have been sponsorship , influence or control but whatever they were they were bound up very much in local politics .
23 Further documentary evidence of his life and work is scanty , but because his will is listed with those in the parish of St Sepulchre , just outside the walls of the City , it has been suggested that his father may have been William Larkin , the host of the Rose inn in that parish .
24 There may have been reasons for this lack of positive discrimination towards the older conurbations .
25 The point was long in doubt , and there may have been reasons for thinking that it might not be appropriate to extend the obligation to measures adopted before a directive existed .
26 In fact , now that I come to think of it , I have a feeling it may have been Lord Darlington himself who made that particular remark to me that time he called me into his study some two months after that exchange with Miss Kenton outside the billiard room .
27 Another catalyst in London 's career may have been Lord Essex , who , with his gardener Moses Cook , laid out a forest garden at Cassiobury in 1677 .
28 But we heard yesterday Mr Williamson about a dispute and I ca n't remember which district council it was with , it may have been Harrogate , between the county and the district councils on one allocation in the local plan .
29 The banker sat at an enormous desk surrounded by acres of carpet , in a room hung with what looked like Dutch Old Masters , though I suppose they may have been reproductions .
30 There may have been problems of mastery , of control , of appropriate letting go ; or an early refusal to let go as resistance to an over-persistent potty-training parent .
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