Example sentences of "very [adj] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A school 's claim of achieving excellent standards in sports or instrumental music may seem very hollow to parents of children that do n't have an opportunity to take up an instrument or to play for the school team .
2 " The Meeting considering that the number of useless Dogs in this Country are a great grievance , and that for many obvious reasons their number should be deminished. , and it being also represented that a number of Half Grayhounds very destructive to Hares are kept by Many This Meeting recommend to the Gentlemen of the different quarters of Islay to Intimate to the people of their neighbourhood that all useless and superflous Dogs are to be killed , and that the owner of any Dog found chasing Sheep or Lambs or running Hares shall be liable for the Damages , and the Meeting also recommend that no dog be seen at Church or other publick Meetings . "
3 Ayers cites one such constable : ‘ He was known as Hitler because of his moustache and being very cruel to kids playing football in the street .
4 Furthermore , because information needs are often very specific to companies and individuals , they recommend that :
5 So my conclusion is that we blanked due to a combination of the bream being well fed and very alert to danger .
6 ‘ He was one of the old breed , always quietly spoken and very polite to people .
7 A certain inspector , not very friendly to George .
8 It had looked quite straightforward , thought Fenella , who was not very used to maps and was still adjusting to the vastness of this world after small Renascia .
9 Edward shouted back something that the wind carried away , but he seemed to be saying , once again , that he was not very used to boats .
10 Important as they may be to the birds and trout , they can be very annoying to humans and , although they may not bite , the sheer numbers of midges and blackflies have been known to send birdwatchers — and particularly photographers — into paroxysms of rage and frustration .
11 The economic climate on Merseyside is now very conducive to development … enabling us to define preferred strategies with greater flexibility than hitherto . ’
12 Now if we look forward through time we see regular bands like this occurring through the mid sixteen hundred to sixteen forty , on up into sixteen sixty sixteen eighty still broad regular bands , conditions very conducive to coral growth , and in the early seventeen hundreds on up into the mid seventeen hundreds one can see a remarkable change in the character of the growth bands .
13 Ladies and gentlemen , I 'm very grateful to Professor Eppell for his characteristically kind and generous remarks , and erm I accept them all the more readily because I know you will treat them with a healthy degree of scepticism .
14 Erm er I 'm very grateful to Dr and I 'll offer him another story , a woman who 's now died whom I used to visit who sat with her coal fire set but not lit until someone would come to the door .
15 The raffle was a great success and the Society was very grateful to Adrienne Ring for all her work in getting this organised .
16 However , we have also been very grateful to WWF/UK for the valuable grants you have provided .
17 And the final point I wanted to make , although yes , we do welcome the special transitional grant second tranche of ten point eight million pounds , and it would be churlish not to , it is nevertheless a reduction on what the share of it was last year erm s of the national total so there is actually a reduction in the share that is getting this year , and alongside that , and of course hence the need for the recommendation in the budget , is that we 've actually lost very specifically one point eight five six million in the rollover grant from last year 's erm S T D tranche which we are specifically asking and very grateful to policy and resources for , hopefully , erm we 're asking and we 're hopeful they will underpin it and the Chairman is here and er er has nodded in that direction I think it 's fair to say .
18 Mrs Bauwens , 36 , said : ‘ I am very grateful to David and Judith for their support both at that difficult time and since .
19 We were very grateful to Tim Rodber for turning out for us against Harlequins the week before he won his first cap .
20 He said : ‘ I am very grateful to Wedgwood for sponsoring me and I have found the course work to be very valuable in relation to my job .
21 I am very grateful to Mr R. R. Mester for the following story of strange happenings on a long abandoned stretch of railway between Goldmire Junction and Millwood Junction on the original line of the Furness Railway .
22 I am very grateful to Mr H. E. Caunt , the Public Relations Officer for the Nene Valley Railway in Cambridgeshire , who kindly sent me details of the strange happenings concerning Yarwell Tunnel .
23 Well I 'm very grateful to Mr for raising this in such a way and for the members ' contribution .
24 We are very grateful to staff and candidates of the seven centres for their help in this work .
25 I ought to have been very grateful to ATV for sponsoring my work .
26 I am very grateful to Dounreay for making it all possible , to the Library for their help with my research and to my colleagues for their assistance . ’
27 Alan added , ‘ We are very grateful to Margaret Kent for performing the opening ceremony . ’
28 ‘ We 're very grateful to Weight Watchers for this magnificent sum .
29 We are very grateful to Brian L. Davis for access to his collection for this article .
30 Needless to say , all this is very confusing to outsiders !
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