Example sentences of "new [noun] [adv] every " in BNC.

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1 Short hair is surprisingly versatile and , as these styles prove , you can give yourself a new look virtually every day of the week !
2 We need we need four like that four quarters that 's good and then for each one of those when we 've cut it in two it would give us two of the new pieces so every one of those four would give us two new pieces how many would we have altogether then ?
3 The trade unions have sustained the Labour party over all these years and Labour gave the trade unions the appalling powers which were so badly abused in the run-up to the 1979 election when , as we all know , the country was brought to its knees by a new strike almost every week .
4 Iceland Frozen Foods — opening a new store almost every week — rang up a 19 per cent RISE to £24,200,000
5 Where political union and sovereignty are concerned , I can see no natural political affinity between the United Kingdom and Luxembourg — a country with a population smaller than Berkshire — or with Belgium , with its divided population , Holland , with its total dependence on its neighbours , or Italy , which has so much difficulty in implementing EC directives , which moralises over other people 's shortcomings and has a new Government roughly every 18 months .
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