Example sentences of "first [coord] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The first or the second ?
2 She debated whether she would do the church first or the vicarage .
3 Do you think you actually look at the words first or the picture first ?
4 He was n't sure whether the klaxon blared first or the perimeter floodlights snapped on , saturating the clearing with harsh blinding light .
5 The clean outline of the rectangular Central Court was established first and the sanctuary suites aggregated round it .
6 The year 's trial run begins on November the first and the service will be free to rail-users .
7 The outer , harder sole is moulded first and the second , shock-absorbing layer is added to it .
8 McAteer with the first and the second was entirely down to Lee who exploited the goalkeeper 's crumbling self-confidence .
9 The dragon-ships of midstream , abandoning the dead in the first and the second , thrust forward and , turning rapidly in , ran up on shore further upriver and began to land men fast , under a renewed fall of arrows .
10 Stalinists and Trotskyites and Anarchists all putting their feuds first and the fight against Fascism second .
11 I had other pet lambs , but Nanny Bateson was the first and the best-remembered .
12 She had left herself the early part of the evening free , and she had just finished dressing when Florian and Nicky dropped in to show her some new photos of the fair South African child who went by the name of Joni Jones , Florian having insisted on the first and the name with which he had replaced his original , paradoxically both more and less ordinary name , having been legalised in both countries whose passports he held , the United Kingdom and South Africa .
13 You got a bit of training first and the adventure took a whole afternoon .
14 I 's eat all the chocolate first and the inside afterwards
15 That means political unpopularity for the first and the wrath of the ERM for the second .
16 Another constable now joined the first and the chairman was getting fidgety .
17 Kelly jumped , whilst Beeney cam to punch , unfortunately Kelly just got there first and the ball fell into the goal .
18 Years later his eldest daughter Catherine commented , " The Army came first and the position was accepted by all of us as part of the existing order . "
19 ‘ The reason that they 're sparse is because when I 'm singing it 's kind of hard to be very rhythmic , so it 's the voice first and the guitar parts fitting around that , with the whole thing being locked together by a pretty solid and very basic groove . ’
20 For example , midday on Sunday until midday on the following Sunday could be called eight days , rather than seven , as eight days were involved , even though the first and the last were incomplete .
21 He reached the bottom first and the teapot , a close second , hit him on the head and smashed , spilling luke-warm tea down his navy-blue shirt .
22 The male looks after the first and the female the second .
23 One method of avoiding the operation of the rule is to reverse the order of the two parts of the clause so that the general words are placed first and the list of specific items are prefaced by a phrase like " for example " , or " without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing " , or " such as " .
24 Published by order of the general meeting of subscribers to the College , London , 1801 , Smith described it as ‘ … a very poor product for seven years ’ work : it was the first and the last' .
25 Does the Minister not recognise the dangers of fragmenting the health service and destroying the planning framework ; the cost of ever-increasing bureaucracy ; the reduction in choice for the doctor ; the fear that this is a road that leads to a two-tier system in which money comes first and the Health Service is relegated to a safety-net , fallback provision ?
26 Question of omitting it does n't arise unless until we get to that part of the plaintiff 's case and erm I shall hear the evidence of the plaintiff and the other witnesses first and the advocation can be renewed in due ti in due course at the proper time .
27 It was a bit unnerving at first and the lining stank of old aftershave .
28 If you kind of drop down behind the blue if you use the blue first and the bat 's up there you got ta go sort of near to it to get behind you 're going to rush down to your hoop .
29 The feelings of joy and despair in these two passages are almost equally balanced , and the Jewish cry of delight on seeing the shore-line of Palestine in the first and the image of Arab guns and hopelessness on leaving Palestine in the second are even more relevant now than they were then .
30 Thus , in part , a causal circumstance is such that if it occurred , then even if there also occurred any change logically consistent with it and its effect , the effect occurred — or , it was the first and the effect was the last of a sequence of things such that the given connection obtained between each thing and its successor .
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