Example sentences of "people were [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But if access to the ordinary commercial activity of a shopping precinct were to be blocked for a considerable period at a particularly busy time of day , so that people were prevented from conducting their ordinary business and social affairs , there is a disruption of sufficient significance to warrant the imposition of conditions .
2 And I know like er there there were lots of things kids there on roller skates going along , walkways , people were shouting at them or you know trying to clear them off .
3 Because a win here would catapult her into the LPGA 's Hall of Fame , most people were shouting for Sheehan .
4 By now , other men with microphones were moving among the audience , and so many people were shouting to be heard that George could no longer identify individual speakers as words overleaped one another and blended together into a great cry of confused and frightened protest .
5 So , while 200 years ago people were kidnapped by the fairies , now it 's aliens .
6 In 1990 ( 1979 ) , 6079 ( 4678 ) elderly people were enumerated in 241 ( 133 ) establishments , a 30% increase in the numbers of elderly people in residential care and an 82% increase in the number of establishments between 1979 and 1990 .
7 At least 200 people were believed to be missing after a mudslide on Feb. 27 , 1990 , buried the village of San Miguel de Río Mayo in the northern jungle , 800 km north of Lima , following heavy rains .
8 The latest official figures ( for 1985 ) released by the Government show that just over 35 per cent of older people were living on incomes at or below the generally accepted Income Support ( then Supplementary Benefit ) poverty line , compared with 10 per cent of people under pension age .
9 David Blake , of the Woolwich , said one factor hitting the building societies was that people were living on their savings .
10 The work was heart-breaking because of the shortage of homes and it showed that many old people were living in distress .
11 There were corporation employees whose first child was born in Belmont while other people were living in ‘ dog boxes ’ .
12 In 1985 some 60 per cent of older people were living in poverty or on the margins of poverty .
13 According to António Arragão ( in Subsídios para a História da Cidade do Funchal , 1979 ) , before 1425 a small group of people were living in the area of Santa Maria do Calhau , mainly in single-storey straw-roofed buildings .
14 In 1988 , around 112 million people were living in areas exceeding the ozone standard , almost 30 million in areas violating the carbon monoxide standard , and over 25 million in areas exceeding the fine particulate standard ( figure 8.6 ; table 8.4 ) .
15 At one end of Fifth Avenue , people were living in rat-infested hovels in conditions only drug pushers want .
16 Although people were endowed with different abilities and suffered varying degrees of misfortune , capitalism held out the promise that hard work and frugality would lead to increased prosperity for all those who wished to avail themselves of the opportunities it offered .
17 It was , of course , difficult to estimate the extent to which people were hit by these evolving programmes .
18 In a renewed upsurge of attacks on tourists by presumed Islamic activists , eight people were hit by automatic weapons fire as a sightseeing bus passed through Qena 400 km south of Cairo en route from Luxor to the Red Sea on Nov. 12 .
19 We argue that a specific set of widely held images of elderly people were constructed in this period .
20 one of the reasons for introducing the community charge that and it 's ironic that it was just possible , especially in nineteen erm ninety erm that the community charge was meaning wa was bringing about a change where people were voting on local issues , the prime local issue of course being what would be the level of the , of the community charge .
21 More than 500,000 people were voting for the first time .
22 Here was a long-established bastion of English liberty , older than the vote , yet older people were banished from participation .
23 Chamberlains with white wands of office rapped out orders and , until the king and the lord cardinal were settled in their respective rooms , the common people were banished from the corridors and the galleries .
24 Well , I went along to Street and this chap was hammering away , and the people were swearing from windows , and I realized the chap was mental .
25 Over 200 old people were hospitalised for cardiac and respiratory trouble .
26 This is particularly ironic given that at least three people were hospitalised after taking Ketamine at the same venue .
27 By manipulating the statistics in various ways , holding one factor constant while varying another , he showed that rates of suicide varied according to the extent to which people were integrated into their social group .
28 I was constantly hearing that people were reacting to all this technology , expressing a wish to go back to basics with a simple bow , a look at the wind , an arrow loosed into the heavens and a hope that with luck it might hit the target .
29 Many people were said to said to have lost their nerve in the ‘ catastrophe ’ and in the heat of the moment to have given voice to ‘ comments hostile to the State ’ .
30 The people were said to be lazy , their manner of living rustic .
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