Example sentences of "people go [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Prosecuting uneducated deaf people with no speech , and accepting what they said in their defence in those days was however a different matter altogether from allowing the same people to go into the witness box and testify against other people .
2 Not to talk about their loss but to have people to go to the pub , cinema , even on holiday with .
3 The chairman of the Colchester and District Licensed Victuallers ' Association , Malcolm Freund , said the increases would further encourage people to go to the continent to buy alcohol .
4 Turns out , Deardrie , she 's applied to be an astronaut — I remember seeing the advert , asking for people to go to the moon — it 's not that I 'm jealous , but why did n't she ask me first ?
5 If the money was ploughed back into dog racing — horse racing enjoys a £40million levy — tracks could improve amenities and strengthen security which would encourage more people to go to the dogs .
6 But it 's always a , a joy for blind people to go to the theatre
7 Research has shown — as might be expected — that ‘ natural breaks ’ in programmes allow people to go to the lavatory or brew up a cup of tea rather than watch the commercials .
8 Julia was half convinced that she should tell the young people to go to the cinema and dances again but she consulted Pat .
9 Surely He did n't want people to go to the cinema ?
10 so , erm I hope that , that might make few people visit , but then as I said also in it , you ca n't force people to go to the theatre if they do n't want
11 We are now charging frail elderly people , physically and mentally handicapped people to go to the day car facilities that they so value and so need .
12 And both these tours enable people to go round the house on their own .
13 and in the summer when they were thirty nine P it 's to get people to go in the shop really
14 A constable was at the door to regulate the stream of people going into the chapel , and she was directed to the eastern gallery .
15 ‘ Although highways are the county council 's responsibility the TDC has an interest in people going into the EZ and anything stopping them , ’ said a spokeswoman .
16 It looks like some people going into the park lately .
17 No company stops people going to the toilet .
18 Although I am myself very much in favour of people going to the theatre and reading books it is very useful for my research for me to play devil 's advocate on these activities and to ask ‘ Why should people go to the theatre ? ’ and ‘ Why should people read books ? ’
19 ‘ He does n't like people going to the house — because of Carla . ’
20 Er as I said before , if we get some verbal abuse from people going to the blues , then we know that it was outsiders coming in .
21 THERE has been a big rise in the number of people going to the Sellafield Visitors Centre .
22 Pentecostal minister the Rev Colin Hill and a dozen members of his nearby Kemble Street Elim Church congregation asked more than 100 people going to the show to turn back .
23 Well for people going to the States it 's a good time to go .
24 And I believe that the growing trend erm of people going to the cinema , erm cinema owners reconverting cinemas they 've cut into three back into the large auditoria , erm will continue and a night out at the cinema has something to do with the the building you 're in , erm this building if refurbished would have a restaurant , would have a bar , would have a cinema club , would be a real asset to the town .
25 He talks about people going for the trolley when the smoke comes out of a house .
26 He was saying people going on the trains is it when you worked there rather than animals
27 The posts stuck into the rock to your right as you ascend are markers for winter to stop people going off the edge ; they also double as abseil posts for a quick escape route .
28 Economics and geography could be altered by human , at least European , agency : ‘ Reversing the trend of people going over the border is the long-term objective ’ ( whose objective — whether that of the World Bank , of Britain , of other unnamed financial interests , or even perhaps of the Lesothans themselves — is left unclear ) .
29 We know only a little about how , in this more secular society , we should try to minimize the damage for people going through the grieving process .
30 you know trying to find an assistant cos there was n't one walking about cos there was some at the tills but there were n't any walking around and it was very busy , there were lots of people going through the tills .
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