Example sentences of "people [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 People aroused by the possibilities of social power will seek it more consistently than those who are not aroused by power .
2 The health authorities declared a fresh state of " red alert " on Dec. 28 when further cases of cholera were discovered in three northern provinces bordering Bolivia and Paraguay , although it was reported that none of the 44 people diagnosed in the space of five days had died [ for outbreak in early 1992 see p. 38761 ] .
3 The UN World Food Programme ( WFP ) estimated that the lives of up to 20,000,000 people depended on the provision of emergency food aid .
5 Most hospitals retain records relevant to deceased people received into the mortuary , together with the numbers of post-mortem examinations , and any infectious conditions found subsequently .
6 Mortality rates , however , are a very weak proxy of the benefit people received from the use of medical services .
7 He emphasised that people distinguished between the ex-government and the King .
8 It is usually a part-time appointment , often held by people distinguished in the world outside university , such as lawyers and business people .
9 Non-criminal lunatics , as the name implies , have committed no offence , but are people designated by a magistrate as ‘ wandering and dangerous lunatics ’ under the Indian Lunacy Act 1912 and sent to prison to await transfer to a mental hospital .
10 I sat back expecting to be proved right and watched as people joined in the discussion and debate .
11 The first is , at best , a ‘ trade union consciousness ’ or a ‘ subordinate value system ’ , in which people placed at the bottom of the social system recognize they are exploited but seek only to improve their position within it .
12 Its principles : participation , equity and intersectoral collaboration may seem new to many health workers but they are very familiar to people formed in the community development approach .
13 In an experimental study of a case management service for homeless mentally ill people only two out of 94 people referred in a year reported having been admitted to hospital for a year or longer .
14 In that area many people relied on the coconut plantations for their livelihood .
15 But Labour prospective parliamentary candidate for Darlington Alan Milburn said it was vital the service be maintained , especially as many elderly people relied on the 11a to take them to shops in North Road and the town centre .
16 In other incidents ( i ) Sam Chand , a PAC activist , was among six people assassinated in a bomb explosion in Botswana on April 23 ; ( ii ) his brother Ishmael Chand died in an accident on his way to the funeral ; and ( iii ) the secretary of the PAC internal wing , Benny Alexander , and other PAC members travelling with him were seriously injured in a car crash in the northern Cape on May 3 .
17 The only people cheered by the figures were cold cure producers — victims spent £172 million on remedies last year .
18 At the annual meeting , some 70 people heard of the parish Outreach scheme and of plans to extend the building itself to provide a much larger Christian centre .
19 Very many people heard about the riots in the area last year , and heard the authorities ' explanations for them , but this programme attempted to find the root causes of the problems .
20 It was from the people gathered on the rim of this amphitheatre in the dunes that the sighing came .
21 Seeing the flowers from tepees , the people gathered on the hill and sang and danced their thanks to the Great Spirits who had sent the blooms as a sign of their forgiveness .
22 The biggest march was in Quimper on the Brittany coast , where up to 10,000 people gathered for a silent protest which remained calm until the late afternoon when a handful of people began throwing stones and tear gas bombs .
23 On the final evening almost two hundred people gathered for an informal service in which young people 's sergeant major Eva Burrows was one of the leaders .
24 When 20,000 people gathered for an illegal festival at Castlemorton Common in Worcestershire last May , they brought misery to thousands living nearby .
25 A CROWD of 100 people gathered outside a court yesterday as two 10-year-old boys were brought back before magistrates accused of murdering toddler James Bulger .
26 He went down extremely well last Sunday , for example , when many people gathered outside the party 's central committee building in an unauthorised meeting and called on him to come out and talk to them .
27 They were released the following day when a crowd of 4000 people gathered outside the police station .
28 Reynolds 's News described how a ‘ big and angry crowd ’ of Wolves fans estimated at 2,000 people gathered outside the officials ' entrance , protesting at the club 's policy of selling its better players .
29 On May 7 up to 5,000 people gathered outside the High Court in Lilongwe where Chakufwa Chihana , the trade union leader arrested in April [ see p. 38851 ] , was due to appear .
30 Security forces surrounded the area and ordered the 3,000 people gathered at the church to leave .
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