Example sentences of "people [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 People aroused by the possibilities of social power will seek it more consistently than those who are not aroused by power .
2 The only people cheered by the figures were cold cure producers — victims spent £172 million on remedies last year .
3 Rio is a city of environmental refugees , of developmentally displaced persons ; people uprooted by the extension of agribusiness , plantations and ranching , by deforestation , by the laying waste of the Amazon , drought and intolerable social injustice .
4 Her very personal ‘ aid programme ’ has been to take knitting machines , yarn and teaching skills to provide a means of earning a living for people trapped by the present poverty of their country .
5 Knowing that mere seconds might mean the difference between life and death for the hundreds of people trapped by the explosions , IMDEC responded immediately by setting up a citizens ' coordinating committee , drawing on the expertise and resources of 27 social and human rights organisations .
6 There are no trade union representatives , or people nominated by the Scottish TUC .
7 I wish to move a petition signed by four hundred and one people organised by the Hikehams Community Association asking the full county council to freeze its decision on of the Hikehams and Moat er merger issue .
8 Of 2,000 people interviewed by the BBC , over 90 per cent had heard of the CAB , and of these , a quarter had contacted one .
9 First of all , laboratory experiments on hypnosis and memory are not conducted on stressed individuals , but most people interviewed by the police are upset .
10 The maid accused of stealing letters from Princess Anne has urged the Labour Party conference to protect ordinary people attacked by the press .
11 The people targeted by the Government include the elderly , those with learning difficulties and their carers , the mentally handicapped , and the physically disabled .
12 For instance to this is an assumption that although we are going to have a shortfall on the collection fund , again because of good housekeeping we believe that this action is what people want by the charge payers of the city and again that in this financial year it can be taken out of the .
13 Tourism is a major growth area in the Middle East and more and more people attracted by the prospects of an enhanced salary , hotter climate and better lifestyle , are eager to become part of this development .
14 This is the most progressive outcome to the present situation … the destruction of the machinery of discrimination … the unfreezing of bigotry … the achievement of the utmost degree of civil liberties possible , freedom of political action , an end to the bitterness of social life and the divisions among the people fostered by the Unionists …
15 He caricatures a host of little people shaped by the 1980s , from hillbillies-turned-entrepreneurs to fund-raisers who have learnt to make money out of charity .
16 Antisemitism also drew support in both countries from working-class people disturbed by the impact of industrialism and large-scale capitalism , and possibly because of the success of big business houses with Jewish names .
17 The data suggest that the care programme approach is being applied more at the level of higher dependency , despite the fact that it is ‘ prescribed ’ for all people accepted by the psychiatric services .
18 The church cites the bicultural education campaign as the fulfilment of a promise to the Maori people made by the 1990 General Assembly ( the Treaty of Waitangi ) .
19 The terms of the agreement were as follows : that political prisoners were to be released and the relevant ordinances withdrawn ; that civil disobedience was to be stopped ; that the boycott of British goods would cease , though ‘ peaceful picketing ’ could continue ; that there would be no change in the salt laws , though people living by the sea could make some for personal consumption ; and that Congress was to be represented at future sessions of the Round Table conference , the agreed agenda being federation , ‘ Indian responsibility ’ , and ‘ reservations or safeguards in the interests of India for such matters as , for instance , defence ; external affairs ; the position of minorities ; the financial credit of India , and the discharge of obligations ’ .
20 The number of injured people helped by the service runs into many hundreds .
21 And there 's no difference in the circumstances of the people supplied by the two companies … each company supplies rich and poor alike .
22 Martin Jackson sat among the people waiting by the arrivals gate and read a journal he 'd picked up at the news-stand .
23 In many cases , the arbitrator may be appointed only from a list of people approved by the brewer .
24 I have been sought redress for people damaged by the utilities , but over the years the Government have pushed my pleas to one side .
25 The fact that the housing market is divided into different tenure categories which are governed by different laws and customs means that , when changes in the structure of the housing market occur , and particular tenure categories expand and contract , so the number of people affected by the rules and regulations governing access to and maintenance of rights in particular tenure categories will also expand and contract .
26 To advise and be in solidarity with people affected by the legislation so they know how to deal with it ;
27 We have created a considerable number of new jobs in south Norfolk ; regrettably , some of these were at the expense of people affected by the closure of the Ipswich site , but nevertheless , such opportunities in a rural environment have been viewed very positively by the local community .
28 ‘ The town hall was used for the toxic waste inquiry and the Butler Sloss inquiry and people affected by the issues had ready access , he said . ’
29 Its reporter 's attempts to implement even the most modest of safeguards for the people affected by the proposals , were simply dismissed by the Scottish Secretary , this time wearing the ‘ non-interventionist ’ hat of adjudicator on the inquiry 's finding and recommendations .
30 We must acknowledge that people affected by the virus have felt it necessary to leave their communities here in Gwynedd to seek diagnosis , support and care elsewhere . ’
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