Example sentences of "also with [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It ended also with reunion between father and son .
2 Long-term medical prognosis may vary also with change in regional conditions ( from The Indian Magazine , Sydney , May 1987 ) .
3 The league was charged also with responsibility for collective security , so that individual states could embark on a programme of disarmament .
4 Although he agreed that the legend was a piece of fiction , he believed it to have originated with someone unacquainted not only with the real history of the abbey but also with history in general , probably a professional itinerant storyteller in the middle to late sixteenth century .
5 In order to offset the impact of the price rises the government introduced at the same time , also with effect from August , a social policy plan ( worth nearly $40,000,000 ) , targeted particularly on families ; trade unions , however , described the measures as inadequate .
6 This is a general provision and the person in control of premises may also have other duties under other enactments , for example with respect to means of escape in case of fire , and general fire precautions , and also with respect to public health .
7 And by this we mean in terms of things like the cost of fuel , although it did go up again in nineteen seventy nine , but also with respect to new services being offered .
8 Indeed , in many respects , such an arrangement would strengthen the independence of the auditor , not only in relation to an industry 's sponsoring department but also with respect to the potential pressures of overbearing industry chairmen .
9 Also with respect to tissue type plasminogen activator , antigen and activity were in general significantly correlated in carcinomas ( R=0.58 , p<0.0001 ) and normal mucosa ( R=0.32 , p<0.05 ) .
10 Let's go to see you tomorrow Other languages have PrOnominal systems much richer than the English one : in Japanese , pronouns are distinguished also with respect to sex of speaker , social status of referent and degree of intimacy with referent , so , for example , the second person pronoun kimi can be glossed " you , addressed by this intimate male speaker " ( Uyeno , 1971 : 16-17 ; Harada , 1976 : 511 ) ; and village Tamil has up to six singular second person pronouns according to degree of relative rank between speaker and addressee ( Brown & Levinson , 1978 : 3206 ) .
11 The communicative situations evoked by different poems may vary considerably , not only with respect to the identity of the speaking persona , but also with respect to the scope of the deictic field , the presence and status of the addressee , the position reserved for the reader and so on .
12 This is steam but also with smoke from green birch log .
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