Example sentences of "also [be] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However it can also be the goal of a not very demanding walk , embodied in a short but rewarding circular excursion full of interest and variety .
2 In particular , many companies rely on their bankers ' advice on the type of finance appropriate for particular circumstances , even though the adviser may also be the supplier of the funds .
3 But unless we eventually found a body , there would also be the possibility of simple flight .
4 Students from all departments will be invited to enrol , more secondary schools will be involved , and there will also be the possibility of tutoring in primary schools .
5 Apart from this summit meeting of minds there will also be the chance for other boffins of the black and white board to take on past champion John Hegarty , who is challenging all comers .
6 Power might be a position of authority but it might also be the expertise or the charisma of the leader .
7 The private dwelling which may be the course of personal fulfilment and growth may also be the centre and source of child- or wife-beating .
8 This would also be the position of conservatives such as Leonard ( whom we have considered ) 2 who believe masculinity and femininity to be built into God 's ordering of reality .
9 Perhaps this is only a witty pleasantry ; it may also be the delight this woman takes in her young friend 's success .
10 The annual Education and Library Resources Exhibitions could also be the occasion for direct selling , with an immediate purchase facility .
11 ‘ It 'll also be the judge 's — if you 're so foolish as to go ahead and fight me . ’
12 It might also be the case , too , that if he timed the attack carefully he might be able to give the verb ‘ caught short ’ a transitive sense .
13 I had hoped that his would also be the case with the Emperor Peckoltia because as funds permitted I hoped to build up the numbers from two to four .
14 This will also be the case where the shares are issued by a subsidiary incorporated in a jurisdiction where it can not avoid paying dividends or amounts in respect of redemption even if there are insufficient distributable profits , in which case funds would have to be provided by other group companies .
15 It may , therefore , also be the case that the jewellers were not over concerned with the purity of the gold and that , therefore , the balances , weights and touchstones did not belong to them .
16 It almost goes without saying that in contemporary society a certain amount of money is an important human requirement , not necessarily for its own sake ( though that may also be the case ) , but because it is the wherewithal for other requirements .
17 But it could also be the case that all three forms ( or perhaps two of them ) were current in the underlying dialect of the scribe ( or of the author ) , or — more properly — of the speech community to which he belonged .
18 This may also be the case for the participant , either because the cosmologies themselves , which are often contradictory , admit of an alternative , mythical , more individualistic model of freedom , or because that alternative is evident in the nearby cities , where its attractions outweigh the possible negative features .
19 It may also be the case that reporting by Blacks of offences against Blacks was lower in the darker areas ; or that police are more inclined to ‘ cuff ’ ( i.e. not record ) Black offences in these areas , in the interests of improving race relations .
20 In the case of passenger transport undertakings such as railways and airlines which allow free travel to employees the test would provide mind-boggling difficulties of calculation and when the undertaking was running at a loss would result in a charge to tax that exceeded the fare charged to the general public ; this would also be the case where school fees were heavily subsidised by endowments .
21 Yet it may also be the case that some difficult aspects of ‘ bargaining politics ’ are involved where policy success depends upon the response of other organizations .
22 This may also be the case for the zebrafish POU protein studied here .
23 The eastern Saxons are almost certain to have remained at this time within the orbit of Oswiu and it may also be the case that Aethelwald , the brother of Aethelhere ( HE 111 , 22 ) ( see Appendix , Fig. 5 ) , received Oswiu 's support as the new king of the eastern Angles ; it is certainly not at all impossible that he ruled at first in a dependent relationship .
24 There will be two open races and this will also be the case with most of the other classes .
25 There must also be the motivation to take advantage of these factors .
26 There will also be the influence of soap operas , from Dallas to EastEnders , which will portray marriage with a blend of romanticism and earthiness .
27 There would also be the difficulty of finding people to look after the farms while they were away .
28 When the Prince of Wales becomes King he will also be the Head of the Church of England and Defender of the Faith .
29 There will also be the opportunity for your customers to save bottle tops for or pu or purchase heavily discounted quality goods .
30 This will also be the year when Woopies — well off older people — get a tax break .
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