Example sentences of "also [v-ing] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 This time it was a police sergeant , and when Joe went upstairs the sergeant said : " I am looking for Wg Cdr Mahaddie , and I am also looking for one of my constables , " Joe foolishly replied : We might have a wing commander here but we do n't have your constable . "
2 Stations at Darlington , Newton Aycliffe , Fishburn and Chester-le Street were also operating with one vehicle and each were on call some in each other 's areas .
3 They 're also acting as one of the major exhibition venues for Oxfordshire Artweek , which is running for the last 2 weeks in May .
4 C.B. Cox and A. E. Dyson also writing in 1968 , recall that Critical Quarterly had been founded in 1958 with the intention of opposing that kind of cultural " pessimism " associated with the sense of a " breakdown of classic humanism " of Steiner 's " after Auschwitz " thesis .
5 To complete the story of the various types of traction is one of the world 's first electric trams from Blackpool , also dating from 1885 .
6 Though apparently divorced from ‘ Cultural Progress ’ as related to the Basutu , which Eliot was also considering in 1936 , his idea of poetic drama was part of the same concern with embodying and strengthening what he had always associated with ideas of culture and community and which his dealings with the ‘ lower races ’ had helped to teach him : the need for art linked to religious ritual as a central value summing up and sustaining the social values of a culture .
7 In 1846 he was articled to his father and served for seven years in the latter 's chambers in Gray 's Inn , also attending from 1847 to 1849 the evening lectures on architecture initiated at University College , Gower Street , by T. L. Donaldson [ q.v. ] in 1842 .
8 Rovers , also reeling from three successive defeats , need to defeat Hull , and Bradford on Monday , to secure a Premiership place .
9 It is also associating with two local companies , Bhekisizwe Computer Systems Pty Ltd and Olivetti Information Technology Pty Ltd .
10 It is also associating with two local companies , Bhekisizwe Computer Systems Pty Ltd and Olivetti Information Technology Pty Ltd .
11 Mr Clinton was also winning in two other primaries in Wisconsin and Kansas .
12 In his last competitive game before the world championship , Davis had to battle all the way against an opponent also fighting for one of the four play-off places .
13 Bull is also relying on three third-party systems integrators in France to market ImageWorks , SEPI SA , Extensive SA and E3X SA .
14 Directly below this arm , also emerging from one of the circular indents on the midriff , was the gun , suggesting each circle was a panel behind which lay other implements the Dalek might use if required .
15 It is also laying off 230 of its 750 Coventry staff .
16 In an attempt to continue funding its advanced welfare state , successive governments had borrowed overseas to finance budget deficits , while also presiding over one of the most heavily regulated economies in the capitalist world .
17 I was so determined to make the most of it that , along with the tuition I was receiving , I was also practising between 12 and 14 hours a day ! ’
18 If the noise from the uninhibited , cheering , stamping , singing 8,3000 crowd had felt intimidating to Sampras when the fourth set score reached 5–3 and he was also trailing by two sets to one , it was nothing compared to the tumult during the changeover after the American had held the 9th game to 15 , with an ace .
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