Example sentences of "also [v-ing] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is a one-fifth scale model of Endeavour , built using traditional methods , but also allowing for modern safety requirements .
2 The Vet School is also collaborating with pharmaceutical companies to develop drugs that speed tendon healing , and although the results are promising it is too early to say anything specific .
3 He then broke away as Lambert was also firing at this aircraft , and watched it crash into the sea .
4 Coastal marshes , the controversial targets of environmentally destructive drainage proposals throughout the 1970s and 1980s , are also proving in many places to be simply undrainable , since , after five to ten years , soil can be subject to a process whereby the chemical bonding in the clay structure breaks down .
5 In order to have what seems the best of Stevenson 's thought before us , I shall now develop an attitude theory of ethics , largely based on his work ( though also drawing on that of A.J. Ayer ) , in which the strictly emotivist thesis is dropped and the concept of emotive meaning gives way to one of valuational meaning .
6 And we are also drawing upon elementary common sense .
7 UPS is also experimenting with compressed natural gas , propane , and has run battery-powered and methanol-fuelled vehicles .
8 We are also experimenting with different processes for use on-site at our stores .
9 He now watched Mick follow Carrie to the door way that led into the scullery , and he found himself also stepping in that direction , until he could take in the whole of the scullery and the open backyard door through which Mr Carver was now passing , saying as he did so , ‘ Ta-rah , then . ’
10 They are also helping to developing models for an alternative health system .
11 For example , we in the Netherlands are also struggling with medical curriculums overloaded with factual information , often of little clinical relevance , which risk turning our students into passive consumers , their creativity and curiosity stifled .
12 Her garment is also appearing in this month 's issue of MKM .
13 Migration ( Figure 4.5B ) has played the key role in these growth patterns — indeed , to a greater extent than might be expected from the overall rates of population change , because it is also compensating for substantial natural decrease in some of the fastest growing counties , principally those noted as retirement areas like East and West Sussex , the Isle of Wight , Dorset and Devon ( Figure 4.5A ) .
14 Afforestation on a localised scale is also occurring in many developing countries to provide a protective cover for the soil in agricultural systems that are threatened by excessive soil erosion and desertification ( section 7.2 ) , the provision of fuelwood and , in many cases , a crop .
15 Second , strikes have been seriously restricted since 1980 by a government decree ( also applying to other public services such as the airlines ) allowing management to maintain a minimum level of service during strikes .
16 Such erosion is also contributing to accelerated sedimentation in reservoirs but it is not the only cause , as Tejwani ( 1987b ) has discussed in relation to reservoirs in the Indian Himalaya .
17 While the forest losses are themselves helping to transform the landscape , they are also contributing to accelerating rates of soil erosion because the sites are frequently on steeply sloping land .
18 Also nesting in large numbers was the white or fairy tern .
19 The SSL is also purchasing in this area to supplement the UK collections with material published in other countries .
20 These animals were also communicating with each other , but we were only able to catch the deep rumbles which are the upper harmonies of their conversation .
21 The Danish industry was intent on developing existing production systems but was also looking at new systems such as group housing .
22 The St Andrews team is also looking at rechargeable batteries , as well as at ‘ high-power throwaways ’ .
23 Jim Cowan , the RGU group secretary of the MSF , said his union was also looking at possible industrial action , but would await the ballot of the entire ULA membership before taking a final decision .
24 Andrew was also looking at strategic issues , such as how the Russians are managing the environment themselves , what restrictions and demands the authorities will place on western companies , and what sort of help they require with rectifying the damage caused by earlier drilling and production operations .
25 Mackenzie is also looking at other mathematical techniques for analysing and synthesising waveforms .
26 Erm , most of the people I know , particularly the one 's I like , I look at them and I look at them being beautiful , just because I like them , erm , but I 'm aware of also looking at other people and thinking oh that 's gross you know
27 Tesco is also looking at other ways to encourage recycling .
28 They 're also looking at some of the data integrity erm issues one of which is potentially quite a major problem and the new system will for any qualifying plans , once the new system is in , if a policy 's in arrears it will try and collect the arrears and it will collect up to a maximum of two premiums each month until the policy 's in force and up to date .
29 City caterer High Table — a subsidiary of the French Group Elitair , which has multi-tenant schemes in France — is also looking at this type of operation .
30 Prof Lindemann ( later Lord Cherwell ) was also looking at this state of affairs and originated a study of some 600 aiming-point night photographs to be analysed of our best results to date .
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