Example sentences of "also [vb pp] in the " in BNC.

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1 This can not simply be dismissed as another New Right invocation of the Gulag , for Cixous is arguing something much more specific : that Marxism , insofar as it inherits the system of the Hegelian dialectic , is also implicated in the link between the structures of knowledge and the forms of oppression of the last two hundred years : a phenomenon that has become known as Eurocentrism .
2 Colonel Joshua Jebb , the powerful architect of the prison system , was also implicated in the conspiracy , accused of selecting only the burliest convicts for release on ‘ ticket-of-leave ’ ; and the well-fed convict feasting on turtle soup , rump steak , pudding and ale was another obvious target .
3 Although it is impossible in a doorstep survey to estimate network strengths for individuals , it is extremely likely that varying network strengths are also implicated in the simplification pattern .
4 Intercellular adhesive molecules are also implicated in the adhesion of red blood cells infected with Plasmodium falciparum to capillary endothelium in the pathogenesis of severe malaria .
5 The coding gene for the single complex III subunit of mitochondrial origin , cytochrome b , was also implicated in the deletion , together with four tRNAs ( Ser , Threo , His , Pro ) .
6 This practice of matching one picture or pattern to another identical one is also given in the game of Lotto and in playing pairing games such as Snap .
7 For the simplest possible case , where the rotation constants are the same in the lower and upper vibrational states , the corresponding patterns of rotation fine-structure lines are also given in the Table .
8 Greek dancing was also taught in the school .
9 Alongside the emphasis on knowledge , great faith was also placed in the power of science to discover the laws of the physical universe , society and even human personality itself , so that the world and individuals could be improved by being controlled .
10 Also honoured in the New Year 's Homours List — Monica Drinkwater — the woman who helped steer the Conservative Party through one of its most damaging episodes in recent years .
11 It was also publicised in The Economist ( 22 June , 1985 ; see also Enthoven , 1991 ) .
12 Most risk factors sought in previous studies were also examined in the present study , with the notable exceptions of Helicobacter pylori infection , gastric acid secretion , pepsinogen , gastrin , and blood group .
13 As the recession intensified , weaknesses were also exposed in the accounting practices of many other companies .
14 Also listed in the the case of Eddie Browning , the Welshman jailed for the murder of Marie wilkes from Worcester .
15 It was also limited in the sense that the Japanese appointed a Governor of Cochinchina , a resident-superior of Tonkin and advisers to Annam , Cambodia and Laos .
16 HM Air Pollution Inspectors are also consulted in the event a planning application concerns or affects a works registered under the Alkali , etc. , Works Regulation Act 1906 ( as amended ) .
17 Also situated in the telescope 's focal plane are three instruments that scientists from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands have built .
18 Unfortunately , a detailed and thorough piece of work ( also undertaken in the 1950s ) sapped confidence in the accuracy of that central process .
19 Also contained in the report are a cash flow statement and balance sheet .
20 It is naturally made in our own bodies , and is also contained in the animal-derived foods we eat .
21 Material relevant to the system design is also contained in the New Oxford English Dictionary Workbook .
22 Legal advice , in the form of answers to readers ' questions , is also contained in the magazines , and there are statements of law in other CA publications .
23 Also contained in the earth Surrounding the bones were flints of fine workmanship and small fragments of animal bones .
24 This story was also reported in the Sun and Daily Star .
25 Also reported in the WHO collaborative studies were results of paediatric examinations which revealed that , among children below age five years , infections rose with family size .
26 Firebomb and rock-throwing attacks were also reported in the east German cities of Brandenburg , Koblenz , Lubbenau , Prenzlau , Kremmen , Neustadt , and Wernigerode .
27 Shortly afterwards ethnic violence was also reported in the nearby city of Samarkand , across the border in Uzbekistan , and there was a resurgence of attacks against the minority Meskhetian community in the Uzbek capital , Tashkent .
28 Also reported in the Press last October was an account of a Medau Workshop session at St. William 's School , Thorpe , bearing the theme ‘ Flowing into Fitness ’ .
29 They are also depicted in the mosaics from Victoria Road , Cirencester ( in an arm of a semi-roundel ) , North Leigh , and Winchester ( crudely drawn ) .
30 Also expected in the 68000 complex instruction set family of microprocessors is a 250 to 350 MIPS 68080 due by 1995 and an 800 MIPS — probably the 68100 — by the year 2000 .
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