Example sentences of "also [adj] [noun pl] to " in BNC.

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1 There are also organised trips to Vienna and Salzburg .
2 Subsection ( 1 ) enables injunctions to be granted to restrain apprehended contraventions but enables also remedial steps to be ordered .
3 In Marx 's view there are also longer-term threats to the survival of capitalism , especially through the tendency for the rate of profit to fall .
4 The UN also postponed flights to rural areas so that safer ground operations could be organised .
5 There are also large exports to firms canning fruit and vegetables in Africa , South America and the Mediterranean countries .
6 On the Lantonment and river sides of the banqueting hall there had been no firing of chain shot to clear the jungle : this was partly to save powder , partly because the banqueting hall was , anyway , higher than the surrounding land and thus more difficult to surprise ; there were also natural clearings to be seen here and there where the ground was too stony for a thick growth .
7 The session also approved changes to the Sino-Foreign Joint Venture Law to attract foreign investment .
8 The meeting also approved changes to voting arrangements , abolishing certain procedures first employed in 1988 party elections [ see p. 36137 ] , including the controversial queue-voting system ( whereby voters in primary elections queued publicly behind a picture of their preferred candidate ) and the rule under which candidates obtaining 70 per cent of the votes in such primaries were entitled to go forward unopposed .
9 Do the opportunities provided by computer graphics also present problems to the young viewer unfamiliar , perhaps , with an unusual viewpoint or rapid change of viewpoint ?
10 There are also important questions to be asked about the reasons for admission to residential care in the first place , for that in itself is an aspect of dependency .
11 There are also numerous contacts to the phosphate backbone , mainly from the amino termini of the B helices and the flexible loops at residues 12–20 .
12 Widows also loose rights to pensions based on their former husbands ' contribution records , if they cohabit or remarry .
13 There are also honorary chaplains to Anglican , Baptist , Congregational , Methodist , Orthodox and Roman Catholic students , and to overseas students , with whom there are good working links .
14 The successful colonization of the land from the original marine environment not only necessitated the production of entirely new means of acquiring oxygen and supporting the weight of the body , but also exposed animals to habitats of much greater variability in temperature , humidity , and other conditions .
15 There were also occasional visits to local places of interest , such as art galleries , exhibitions and shopping centres , as well as spontaneous ‘ social , pastimes , such as games , listening to music , watching television and general socialising .
16 They are also common obstacles to the free movement of labour and capital .
17 For details of this event and also running tours to : Sweden , Holland , France , Luxembourg , Majorca , Yugoslavia , the United States and Thailand
18 There are also mundane threats to travellers in the hills around Castle Drachenfels .
19 There were also financial losses to the British Electricity Authority from having to operate old and inefficient plant for more extended periods than they would have chosen in normal times : in the early 1950s the extra cost of burning scarce coal inefficiently was reckoned at £3½ millions a year at the low official coal prices of the time , though the real resource cost was somewhat higher than this .
20 There were also judicial parallels to the pitfalls to which a sorcerer was vulnerable .
21 A new motorway crossing , now being considered by the Department of Transport , and the Channel Tunnel rail link are also potential threats to the remaining natural habitat .
22 To Marianne Talbot , a philosophy don , and someone who 's involved with the Three Hundred group , that 's a group trying to get three hundred women into Parliament by the year two thousand , and also special thanks to Dr. Terry Clarke , the Conservative Constituency Party Treasurer from the Henley group .
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