Example sentences of "also [verb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The inquest in Cardiff heard doctors failed to spot Alison had also broken her collar bone .
2 The inquest in Cardiff heard doctors failed to spot Alison had also broken her collar bone .
3 On Jan. 26 the Netherlands also announced its intention to withdraw its troops from West Germany and demanded immediate NATO defence budget cuts .
4 Regional Council president Gérard Longuet has been holding discussions on this agreement since June not only with Les Verts but also with Génération Ecologie , two of whose six representatives also announced their support for his administration .
5 The authorities also announced their intention to issue five-year passports to Soviet citizens as a matter of right ( previously foreign travel passports were issued for one foreign journey only ) .
6 They also announced their intention of redeeming the mortgage .
7 Solh also announced his government 's commitment to hold a general election in " the summer of 1992 " .
8 He also announced his intention to form a neutral Cabinet , and instructed all ministers and vice-ministers in his administration to leave the party by Sept. 30 .
9 On April 3 Samir Geaga , leader of the Lebanese Forces ( LF ) militia , announced his recognition of the Syrian-backed government of President Elias Hrawi and also announced his acceptance of the October 1989 Taif accords outlining a Lebanese peace plan [ see p. 36986 ] .
10 Yesterday proved to be significant for the stand-off for he also announced his engagement to Lucy Fleming , a 25-year-old art teacher from Uplawmoor , near Glasgow .
11 Do n't twist the foot too far because although this engages the hip , it also turns your centre-line too far away from the opponent .
12 While predictability in behaviour of this kind may enhance the anticlerical view of the monk , it also renders his portrait mundane .
13 He also insists it Rock Against Repatriation will not be making just another showbiz charity record , but ‘ This is going to be a protest record and a ‘ symbol of hope ’ .
14 The airlines also sell their capacity to those firms not operating an airline .
15 Indeed , it is likely that both phenomena will be at work simultaneously within an industrial relations structure such as prevails in Britain where trade unions are anxious not only to protect the real wages of their members from erosion by exogenous price increases but also to preserve their position in the pecking order of wage differentials .
16 Again that 's excellent but it 's also also to see yourself video
17 The fast closing Radical Prince ( 7-1 ) , who also failed his qualifier outstayed Melody for second place .
18 But he had also given her time to think what she was doing .
19 Apart from this dubious distinction , Vulcano has also given its name to a type of eruption , the Vulcanian , very different from the Strombolian .
20 The long birdie putt Beck had earlier holed for an eagle three at the 13th had been a turning point , but for Norman , who does not normally play the week before the Masters , this must have also given him encouragement .
21 The death of his beloved grandfather had brought him misery but , at the same time , it had also given him strength .
22 Away from Fleet Street , Hall also made her name as a writer of racy novels and of books on the Royal Family .
23 Most were casual or self-employed workers who could not be made to retire , and many were also small property-holders — an important factor which also made their position stronger for continuing at work .
24 And his grandfather and grandmother , who also made their mark on the Wimbledon scene .
25 The girl who woke me also made my drink .
26 This background is shared by other prominent politicians , notably the prime minister , Nikolai Ryzhkov , who also comes from Sverdlovsk and also made his name in the industrial bureaucracy .
27 Bowler also made his way in Soho among Minton 's educated friends on the wave of interest in the working class that was currently infiltrating culture .
28 Christie also made his mark on Saturday morning by scoring five times in Menzieshill 's 9-4 defeat of the Welsh side , Northop Hall .
29 Nero also made his proclamation in the stadium at Isthmia in a deliberate evocation of Flamininus , and adopted a bearded portrait at about this time .
30 Flowers has already made two full first team appearances for the U's — against Cardiff and at Carlisle — while Partner also made his debut in the Football League as a late substitute against Cardiff .
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