Example sentences of "also [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 The er issue of stock lending if you heard the Maxwell pensions earlier on comment on stock lending , whether you think pension funds should do that er in the case of Maxwell as you 're probably aware a lot of the stock lending was off market rather than on the market and perhaps you could also comment on the use of independent custodians in terms of the custody of investment .
2 Matilda 's eyes were also riveted on the glass .
3 The paradox in Leapor 's response to her experience is that she is firmly aware of its physical nature , yet she also insists on the intellectual and spiritual dignity of women .
4 He also guested on The Bad Seeds ' ‘ Kicking Against The Pricks ’ .
5 Yes , well I mean I 'm particularly interested for people to come along to the Cowley Centre stall , er and we also sell on the Cowley Road at our plant nursery which one of the other groups runs down near the east Oxford Health Centre .
6 Conventionalism also failed on the first perspective .
7 Apart from Sir Humphrey , his sons Robert and Edward also sit on the main board .
8 Problems of taste can also arise on the selection of music backgrounds for scenes of domestic life because the mood to be reinforced is more personal and it is all too easy to lapse into embarrassing banality .
9 Disputes can also arise on the framing of the conditions to the obligation to complete .
10 The Sopade reports also centred on the implications of the speech for war or peace , but , in contrast to internal reports , asserted that it had substantially increased the fears in Germany of war in the near future .
11 Major US criticisms also centred on the much vaunted environmental safeguards in the treaty which environmentalists said lacked substance .
12 ( The National Gallery will also consult on the publication of the catalogue , a task it will share with the French Réunion des Musées Nationaux , with whom the Barnes has also negotiated . )
13 The next move towards national organisation for seamen also arose on the north east coast , though as a result of a very different impetus .
14 also relied on the reluctance of Viscount Simonds expressed in In re ‘ Wonderland , ’ Cleethorpes [ 1965 ] A.C. 58 , 70–71 , to construe an ambiguity in a statute in a manner which derogated from common law rights .
15 Most river barges had sails but also relied on the muscle power of horses , or even of the " halers " , working gangs of men .
16 A Disinfection Order is also placed on the premises and further testing carried out to ensure that it is salmonella-free .
17 A duty is also placed on the provider in that ‘ when a hospital receives an extra-contractual referral , it will need to discuss with the patient 's DHA the financial arrangements and other terms … ’
18 Also placed on the lapinha are favourite toys ( however old and battered ) , fruits and nuts and models of Madeiran houses .
19 Some reliance was also placed on the fact that the 31 July bill did not comply with the requirements of section 67 of the Solicitors Act 1974 .
20 On June 20 President Venkataraman had directed Rao to test his government 's strength in the Lok Sabha within 30 days , a requirement he had also placed on the two previous minority governments .
21 Foucault , as we have seen , is also criticized on the grounds that he can not give a cause for the shifts he describes , but this criticism itself begs the question insofar as it assumes a certain kind of history , which itself presupposes that there was a cause in the sense of a single uniform causality , rather than a disconnectedness in the scientific mode .
22 It was also criticized on the grounds that it was likely to turn unelected members of the judiciary into the final arbiters of fiscal policy .
23 Campbell Allan , a director and substantial shareholder of the sausage casings company , also sits on the Panel 's appeals committee .
24 In a letter sent out the last few weeks over the signature of Unix Labs president Roel Pieper , who also sits on the UniForum board , Unix Labs is promising ‘ no other industry event will attract such a prominent collection of information system executives , developers , end users , industry analysts and key members of trade media . ’
25 In a letter sent out the last few weeks over the signature of USL president Roel Pieper , who also sits on the Uniforum board , USL is promising ‘ no other industry event will attract such a prominent collection of information system executives , developers , end users , industry analysts and key members of trade media . ’
26 John Breaux , a Louisiana senator who also sits on the Finance Committee , is too close to the president and the treasury secretary , Lloyd Bentsen , to be as outspoken as Mr Boren , but he will not vote for the BTU tax as it stands , and prefers a straightforward petrol tax .
27 However , there may be problems within a group where , for example , a director of a subsidiary also sits on the board of the parent company .
28 Both are large enough to carry dense plumage and subcutaneous fat ; both are hunters of other birds and small mammals , and ravens also scavenge on the leavings of other species , including man .
29 The countries also agreed on the need for jointly operated trunk routes , and to the creation of a Commonwealth Air Transport Council to oversee Imperial air services .
30 The parties also agreed on the formation of a 12-member Supreme National Council ( SNC ) , to embody Cambodian " independence , sovereignty and unity " and to occupy the Cambodian UN seat during the transitional period before UN-supervised elections [ see table for membership of SNC ] .
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