Example sentences of "these [noun] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In some of these cases the collaborative style was really withdrawal , and such was the tension and confusion generated by the participants claiming to be working together but not really doing so , that it would have been better to drop the pretence and designate the practice withdrawal .
2 In these cases the general case law must be looked at to decide what warranties are to be implied in this area .
3 In these cases the appropriate local authority must provide the service .
4 There may be rare instances where a situation can be covered by one meaning but not by the other ; a police investigation might conceivably report that " criminal activity " ( associative use ) " in the southern suburbs includes ostentatious donations to charity in order to cultivate an image of respectability " ; a lawyer might jocularly speak of criminal activity having sharply increased in his legal chambers ( though intuitive awareness of the ambiguity might just as well make him avoid the phrase ) ; in both these cases the associative interpretation , only , is required .
5 Furthermore , in these cases the final interpretation was sometimes derived from a representation of the superficial aspects of the preceding text and sometimes from a content-based representation .
6 In both these cases the alleged negligence was that of the medical staff at a hospital , but , as the decided cases show , it could have arisen from a range of other contexts , for instance from negligent driving of a motor vehicle or negligence on the part of a railway company or tramway company in respect of a train or tram in which the mother of the child was travelling as a passenger while pregnant .
7 For these cases the appellate process provides the remedy .
8 In each of these cases the basic problem is the same : a will has been made , and in it a debtor is left a legacy of liberatio from what he owes the testator .
9 In all these cases the basic information comes from a census question such as ‘ Where were you living five years ago ? ’
10 In these cases the locational attraction of rural areas can be considerable , and one of the most remarkable locational shifts in manufacturing in recent years has been the closure of port-based , imported cane sugar processing plants in East London in favour of sugar beet processing factories in East Anglia ( Community Development Project 1977 ) .
11 In these cases the recommended period will usually be determined with the aid of microbiological analysis .
12 But in almost all these cases the respective genes have not been located or isolated , and the DNA defects are thus totally unknown .
13 In both of these cases the intended object of the trust has failed .
14 In some of these cases the earlier decision would be a binding authority and it would have to be followed .
15 In both these cases the old plates made the necessary points , and there was no need to go to the trouble and expense of getting new ones .
16 So as a result of combining both of these strategies the differing male and female strategies
17 With these values the oesophageal and gastric HC0 3 - concentrations ( mmol/litre ) were calculated from the equations :
18 For both these groups the attentional response should be present and the test environment arousing , and thus the considerations introduced by Lubow , Rifkin , and Alek ( 1976 ) give no grounds for predicting the result observed .
19 In most of these groups the black and ethnic minorities are disproportionately represented
20 In these institutions the budding church musician has the opportunity to develop skills in conducting , performing and composing .
21 For these reasons the moral dimension of world politics has not been deemed to constitute an overriding objection to the development of International Relations theory .
22 For all these reasons the composite figure of Fróda/Fróthi became to Tolkien an image of the sad truth behind heroic illusions , a kind of ember glowing in the dark sorrow of heathen ages .
23 For all these reasons the additional time and effort involved in achieving the improved results , compared with the first exercise , will be significant .
24 For all these reasons the inner workings of the bureaucracy remain hidden from view .
25 For these reasons the common system of farming in Britain is one of mixed farming , with several different outputs , as well as being intensive farming and commercial farming .
26 For these reasons the residual precession is greater for Mercury than for any other planet .
27 For these reasons the Bosnian Serb deputies had already rejected the Vance-Owen plan twice , before the fateful meeting of May 5th at a hotel in their mountain headquarters in Pale , just north of Sarajevo .
28 Sir Bartle Frere , the Governor of Bombay in the 1860s and a great enthusiast for railways , pointed out to his London masters that for these reasons the Indian station required three or four times more space than its British counterpart .
29 For these reasons the basic form of instruction modification described above is no longer used ; instead its effect is achieved by the use of index registers , as described in the next section .
30 For these reasons the inevitable defeat of the " United Front " and of Communist affiliation by a predominantly trade-union vote did little to deter the " Unity Campaign " which grew in direct defiance of the Edinburgh decisions .
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