Example sentences of "just before the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These principles are fully consistent with paragraph 1374 of Archbold , Criminal Pleading , Evidence and Practice , 36th ed. ( 1966 ) and the cases there cited and paragraph 4–179 of the 41st ed. ( 1982 ) , which was written just before the publication in Practice Note ( Criminal Evidence : Unused Material ) [ 1982 ] 1 All E.R.
2 Just before the publication of the Bill that became the 1988 Education Reform Act , opinion in Great Britain was evenly divided over whether control of the curriculum should be in the hands of local education authorities or of central government ; this is shown in Figure 10.4 .
3 Sadly , he died just before the publication of the book .
4 I mean some people adopt the approach of trying to d do it all in about two hours just before the deadline so they do n't have time to feel self critical erm I think perhaps if you can , you know , rather than , rather than trying to do it all at once I mean the business of , of going through successive drafts of things and gradually getting them better and better , I mean the first drafts of things that I write are , are usually just scribbles on the back of a piece of paper that 's , with something else on the front
5 There 's nothing they 'd like better than a drama like this just before the race , and do n't think Dara or her escort will have kept their mouths shut ! ’
6 I do n't blame him for falling for you , but do n't you go giving him a hard time just before the race !
7 It may be held around September or just before the Queen 's Speech at the opening of the session of parliament .
8 Many reasons may be adduced for the Polish uprising of November 1830 : the Russians ' two-year hunt for " Polish Decembrists " ; the tsar 's reluctance to be separately crowned as King of Poland ; the refusal of St Petersburg to attach to the " Congress Kingdom " of Poland the provinces to the east which had once been part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ; the emergence of Polish literary figures who " understood romanticism as embodying a patriotic call to restore the old republic within its old frontiers " ; the decline of the Polish economy ; the inspiration of the events of 1830 in France and Belgium ; and the arrest , just before the rising , of a number of militant soldiers and students .
9 Before that , I recognised the building under the trees , de luxe bedroom suites now , but still the same structure , on the left-hand side of the drive , just before the sweep around to the hotel steps : ‘ The stables which formed part of the rectangle of low buildings out of which that archway to the henyard led , had long been disused but somebody swept them now and then , dusted the curved metal hay racks , wiped manger and woodwork and shone the brass tethering rings so brightly than whenever we pushed a door open and looked into the dusky twilight we were welcomed by a small round gleam of light . ’
10 We took the semi-rigid rubber boat and went south towards Dawson Island , finally beaching it in a little cove of black sand and gravel on the shore of the Brunswick Peninsula just before the dog-leg that took the Strait north-west through miles of narrow channels to the Pacific .
11 This time , we succeeded and indeed met no difficulties apart from one awkward step across a gap just before the cairn .
12 In this spirit I joined the Abortion Law Reform Association while still at school ; this was just before the passage of the 1967 Abortion Act .
13 A compromise settlement of fifty-four hours was reached , but the union returned to the fifty-one hour claim , this time combined with a demand for better overtime pay and piece-work rates , in September 1872 ( just before the year 's busiest season began ) .
14 His membership of the Conservative party was to prove of short duration and he left it for good just before the government of 1931 was formed .
15 It was just before the Battle of Alamein — Bletchley was providing Montgomery with vital intelligence — and , had I but known it , Leslie was , almost at that same moment , listening on the wireless to ‘ One Fine Day ’ , and suffering because he thought he would never see me again .
16 Just before the battle , James is supposed to have made love to Lady Heron .
17 Just before the election , which is for Congress as well as the presidency , the ambassador of the United States caused a row when he alleged that one congressional candidate had links with drug traffickers .
18 The first is the song ‘ Ye gentle spirits of the air ’ , which is in the score but not the quarto : it occupies the first of the two single-sheet inserts in Q1693 , with the cue ‘ To be Sung just before the Dialogue of CORIDON and MOPSA .
19 Then , just before the tide returns , the carpet vanishes .
20 The heel of your leading foot should touch the ground , just before the ball of the foot and toes .
21 We believe it drove onto the site just before the call to the fire brigade — and that 's what we 're trying to ascertain from the travellers .
22 — Amadou has never seen a beautiful white starwoman like this , and she speaks to him in a soft low voice like the south breeze stirring in the palms , like it does just before the sun sets .
23 ‘ In fact , just before the King left for Kinghorn , he instructed me to order Father John not to go but stay at the castle till he returned .
24 Anyway , muggins here went into his dresing room just before the fight and gushed : ‘ Joe , it 's my first big show , and you 've been a professional in every sense of the word .
25 He bumped into some people waiting to join the queue for the seats in the reception area ( ha ; he 'd got in just before the rush ! ) , and went out through the doors back to the street and the bright sunlight .
26 And I 'd have shot myself if we lost because I 'd wasted a good chance just before the goal . ’
27 The crowd seemed to be getting a little impatient just before the goal ( as I 'm sure we all were listening to it on the radio ) but can you imagine what the scum crowd would ahve been doing to their team if they had n't scored within twenty minutes ?
28 In the same conversational turn , he changes the topic to a lengthy , rhapsodic utterance on the flexing motion of the aircraft 's wings : Anderson 's sudden topic-change and subsequent change of register in the very lyrical statement about McKendrick 's cigarette smoke , is partly explained by the fear of flying which he admits to here , and which is indicated just before the topic-change in Stoppard 's stage directions — " …
29 Better-than-expected trade figures and increasing optimism that UK interest rates may start to fall from their current 15 per cent level , perhaps as early as next spring , helped fuel a 23.9 point rise in the index to 2,422.7 — within four points of the year 's high of 2,426 established just before the mini-crash in October and within hailing distance of the all-time high of 2,443.4 , established on July 16 , 1987 .
30 Built in 1385 just before the development of gunpowder made such structures obsolete Bodiam now stands as a magnificent example of a medieval fortress and is much in demand by film companies as a location .
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