Example sentences of "just as it have " in BNC.

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1 But Brown did not tell Pincher that some of those agents had been betrayed with the knowledge and authority of MI6 , as part of Blake 's supposed role as a double agent , because the government had suppressed that part of the story just as it had Blake 's part in the Berlin tunnel affair .
2 Bodily discomfort , added to the anger that still bubbled unpleasantly inside him , had the effect of clarifying his mind , just as it had on the day of the press conference .
3 The ‘ Legitimist ’ nobility , that is those who remained loyal to the elder Bourbon branch which had been deposed by the Revolution of 1830 , kept itself aloof from the court of the ‘ parvenu ’ , just as it had shunned that of Louis-Philippe .
4 Tit for Tat itself , indeed , came out top in five out of six runs of Round 3 , just as it had in Rounds 1 and 2 .
5 Then , after a couple more weeks , that strange phenomenon appeared , just as it had appeared after his first two weeks of basic training with the Royal Army Service Corp .
6 Certainly , as Abraham set out to offer Isaac as a sacrifice in the way God had commanded him , his faith was flying blind in its implicit obedience , just as it had when he set out from Ur for a country which he had never seen .
7 The population of the capital grew dramatically in the 18th and 19th centuries , just as it had done in the 17th , and despite the fact that its death rate was higher than the national average .
8 So far , the British Electric Traction Co. had held all the capital and completely controlled the expenditure and policy of the South Metropolitan undertaking , just as it had when it worked the Corporation system .
9 For a long time after independence , English was the language of the educated élite , just as it had largely been that of the colonial administration .
10 Authority had decreed when I must sleep and when I must not , just as it had decreed when and how much I should eat ; it was my business , in my bid for autonomy , to reverse the decisions of authority .
11 The crusaders had returned to their interstellar castle — which flew onward from nowhere to nowhere just as it had done for many millennia , and must continue to do for many millennia more .
12 That was as far as modernisation had gone : the other end of the scullery was just as it had always been , with the old deep sink for laundry , served by a single , presumably cold tap , and in the corner beyond it the copper for ‘ the boil ’ .
13 It could crumble , and all human culture could collapse , just as it had collapsed once before , but this time never to rise again .
14 The Imperial ambassador reported that the willing lenders never expected to see their money again : their pessimism was justified , since Parliament remitted all obligation on the King to repay , just as it had done in 1529 .
15 It was in darkness , just as it had been when they had been there earlier that evening .
16 Consequently the onus of distinguishing between the ‘ deserving ’ and the ‘ undeserving ’ poor tended to fall upon the officer dealing with the applicant in the fields just as it had fallen upon the relieving officer in the past .
17 Lisa felt the cold finger of panic momentarily touch her , just as it had when , over the phone earlier , the girl from the claims department had told her the awful truth .
18 It was all there , just as it had been the previous night : the exhilaration , the mounting excitement , the warm , wonderful sensation of not being isolated and lonely .
19 A shiver ran through Theda 's body — the frame that was near a shadow of itself , just as it had been that long-gone day in March .
20 Everything had to be maintained just as it had been — for the day when Isabelle returned to Les Hiboux .
21 Linigan 's goal later left the forlorn Chris Waddle and his Wednesday mates in tears as Wembley became a sea of red-and-white just as it had been after the same Coca-Cola Cup scoreline a month earlier .
22 It was as if she was n't married ; just as it had been before , going to bed in her pink and white room , setting off for the ‘ Craft Basket ’ at half-past eight in the morning , just as she used to set off for school , home by five thirty , tea , telly , and some needlework to keep herself occupied .
23 It had to go south of the Slieve Bloom mountains , on the southern rim of the central depression , just as it had to go north of the Ballyhoura mountains , seventy miles farther to the southwest .
24 In the south of France , and especially the southeast , the legacy of Ancient Rome represented the overwhelming influence on Gothic architecture just as it had on Romanesque here before this .
25 Nigeria thus became an administered rather than a political society , just as it had been under colonialism .
26 Labour lost the 1935 election because of its confusion over foreign policy , just as it had lost in 1931 because of its domestic failure .
27 Juliet waited for the furious words , just as it had happened before .
28 Dick Evans , chief executive , said BAe had to find ‘ an active partner ’ for its turbo-prop business , just as it had for the jet end , but it was ‘ too soon yet ’ .
29 When the banner of religion is raised as a banner of politics , blood will flow , just as it has done in Belfast , Beirut and Colombo .
30 President Nyerere of Tanzania ( as we shall see in greater detail later ) has taken the view that , in a country faced with problems of poverty , ignorance , disease and underdevelopment on a gigantic scale , press freedom should be limited just as it has been in the liberal democracies in wartime .
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