Example sentences of "only [vb pp] [noun sg] with " in BNC.

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1 They have theoretical knowledge and practical experience of language-teaching methods , but they lack knowledge of the methods and materials used to teach their native language as a foreign language in the UK , and have only limited familiarity with British secondary education — the school system , teacher and pupil roles and expectations , curricula , assessment and exams .
2 ‘ But I 've only had sex with one person , ’ you say .
3 She had only had dinner with him once , which hardly constituted an exclusive relationship .
4 Miller only credited Bartram with a few plants in the Dictionary : Lilium philadelphum , ‘ at present very rare in English gardens ’ , Toxicodendron serratum , ‘ not yet flowered ’ and Veratrum americanum , another rarity which had in a good season both flowered and seeded in this country .
5 Indeed , Freemantle not only provided Leapor with a receptive audience for her mature work , but actively promoted it .
6 The process of individual care planning not only promoted contact with families but also with the wider social support network , including the community at large and the facilities which it had to offer in non-stigmatized settings .
7 So yesterday 's record-beating export figure only covered trade with the world outside the EC and few analysts thought it worthy of much analysis .
8 I 'm amazed that this country appears so stable as inflation , they say , has gone up 250% ( ! ) in the last 3 years and wages have only kept pace with about half of that , and only yesterday a newspaper posted on the canteen wall announced a massive corruption deal whereby the country 's leaders made 81 billion cruzeiros out of currency exchange .
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