Example sentences of "only [vb pp] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As a long time drinker of real ale , who has only joined CAMRA in the last year , I found this belly-aching very annoying .
2 But their ideas had only limited influence on the way games were played and understood by the mass of manual workers .
3 motorist admits to not seeing boy who came from opposite pavement but accepted that motorist had only limited opportunity for seeing him .
4 That Emilia thought her a mere child revealed how little she understood ; but then Louisa herself had only limited comprehension of what remained dark and unspoken in this woman who studied her , almost coldly , summoning resolve .
5 ‘ The county council has only limited insurance for its schools simply because of the enormous premiums which would be required to provide comprehensive cover , ’ he said .
6 Until the 1950s , the news in daily papers had only limited competition from radio and virtually none from TV .
7 The Chancellor may decide to encourage greater use of diesel : however , he has only limited scope for any price differentiation between DERV and petrol , for since December diesel has actually been 10 pence per gallon more expensive than unleaded petrol .
8 This meant that actions to reduce emissions of sulphur dioxide within Brussels had only limited success in reducing smog levels and the city simply had to wait until the extensive smog bank drifted away or began to be dispersed .
9 In some cases , the majority of these precursor pollutants come from distant urban-industrial areas and consequently local emission reduction measures have only limited success in reducing smog levels .
10 Add to this the facts that each chief executive has only limited authority over many of his staff and that much of the finance of this complex body is handled by a separate company accountable to Parliament , and it might well be enough to make Lord Hanson heave or Tiny Rowland throw in the towel .
11 Compared with lifestyle and environment health services have only limited impact on life expectancy and health
12 Scattered around the London suburbs , or in provincial towns like Sheffield , Brighton and Bradford , these pioneers had only limited access to capital resources , and their companies never grew to any real size .
13 Pryce ( 1979 ) points out that , as a male , he ‘ had only limited access to the women for research purposes ’ .
14 The loss of the two ports was serious , as the English now had only limited access to Normandy and to the capital , Rouen , which had come to replace Paris .
15 Since the analyst has only limited access to what a speaker intended , or how sincerely he was behaving , in the production of a discourse fragment , any claims regarding the implicatures identified will have the status of interpretations .
16 For example , consider the monopolist discussed above and suppose that the firm 's executives wish to maximise profits , but have only limited information about the true revenue and cost functions .
17 They have theoretical knowledge and practical experience of language-teaching methods , but they lack knowledge of the methods and materials used to teach their native language as a foreign language in the UK , and have only limited familiarity with British secondary education — the school system , teacher and pupil roles and expectations , curricula , assessment and exams .
18 The speech therapist confirmed that Mr Y. had only limited understanding of what was happening to him .
19 In 1982 BBC1 's ‘ Nationwide ’ covered Gay News ' tenth birthday , but in general the sharp end of factual programming has only given space to gay issues when they impinge on heterosexual concerns .
20 Yet as the responsibilities of public life invade Hal 's apprenticeship to pleasure , the distinction — prose with Falstaff/verse without him — breaks down , as we see when he addresses his fat friend in verse to urge him to the wars ( III.iii.199ff. ) , a change of tone so marked that Shakespeare makes Falstaff reply in a couplet — as Milton Crane noted , Falstaff is only given verse for mockery .
21 In his account of the conference Armstrong ( secretary of the Chemical Society ) noted that participants only received copies of the report on the first morning of the meeting ( 19 April 1892 ) .
22 Although successful , Zarei has only received sponsorship from the sports centre where he swims , and recently from the American company Alena , which provides energy bars and drinks , but it was the state of his shoes which drew attention at Gateshead .
23 The only positive aspect of the strike from the Party 's point of view was that the miners had only formulated demands about their conditions of work and life .
24 The variety of sound produced by different species is enormous and amazing to anyone who has only heard frogs of the temperate regions .
25 Scott explained the choice of a modern radio magazine format to report on the events of 1944 : they all knew what a modern programme was like , but had only heard extracts from wartime broadcasts .
26 Returning to the All Blacks ' 11-match tour to Australia , the NZRFU has bowed to Australian pressure and loosened the grip on the Bledisloe Cup , for many years the symbol of Trans-Tasman supremacy , but which has only regained popularity in the last decade or so when Australia have been able to break the All Blacks ' hold on the Cup .
27 He was probably only at the mill for a brief period , and perhaps only occupied part of it .
28 The Council not only considered proposals for degrees and other awards , it gave assistance and advice in the early stages of the formulation of courses , and in amending them if they were rejected by the Council .
29 So far , we have only considered circles around the pilot .
30 So far we have only considered diversification within a national market where the stock market and the shares listed therein are going to be affected by the same macro- and microeconomic forces and developments .
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