Example sentences of "only [art] small [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was only the smallest flicker of reaction on Eleanor 's beautiful face .
2 In all my years of experience , I would suggest that only the smallest minority of pension holders have appreciated the fact that returns on death were derisory , and that there was a relationship between the benefits on death and the benefits at the end .
3 If you are aiming almost for pure comedy , then your detective will need only the smallest core of toughness or commonsense .
4 By the time she reached the shorter flight of stairs on the half-landing , Frankie had retreated all the way to his room and closed the door behind him , leaving only the smallest gap through which he peered with one eye .
5 So authentic has been the recreation of detail , that visitors , with only the smallest effort of imagination , can believe themselves back in Victorian London .
6 So each rhabdom detects only the small portion of the view which enters one facet .
7 ‘ No one … ’ began Sally-Anne passionately , thinking of all that she had seen since arriving in Vetch Street — the poor creatures in Dr Neil 's surgery , and the even poorer ones who could not afford to go there — and of Dr Neil 's own selflessness letting people off their bills , so that only the small income he still received from an aunt 's legacy allowed him to keep going at all , when he could have been revelling with Stair .
8 Crohn 's disease was ileocolic in 10 cases , involved only the small bowel in nine patients , and 13 patients had colonic disease .
9 Furthermore , central government provides only the smaller portion of public spending on culture : in 1990 , the Départements , Régions and Communes between them spent FFr24 billion and the Ministry of Culture , FFr 11.5 billion .
10 But nowadays only a small fraction of raw materials is supplied internally , and drug innovation is far less a matter of luck .
11 However , only a small fraction of the paraprofessional work force around the world receives any kind of training beyond the most rudimentary orientation to their jobs .
12 But the battle over the sea dumping of nuclear waste , dramatic as it became , represented only a small fraction of a much larger problem .
13 Thus far only a small fraction of overseas investment of multi-national corporations has been allotted to agribusiness in the poor countries , but the amount is increasing .
14 Only a small fraction of the bureaucracy can directly benefit from its position of high office and crucial monopoly or oligopoly in negotiations and policy-making .
15 Opinion polls represent only a small fraction of all the social research which is conducted in Britain , but they have become the public face of social research because they are so heavily reported : on average there is at least one poll story in each copy of every national or local newspaper in Britain .
16 For a coarse to medium grained mature sandstone , with only a small fraction of clay , porosity ranges from 15 pu or more at around 2200 m to I pu or less below 6500 m .
17 International factoring has grown at a faster rate than domestic factoring over the past five years but still remains only a small fraction of domestic business .
18 The new ground that had to be broken in terms of the aerodynamics , structure , passenger handling facilities and runway bearing strength of these weighty monsters represents only a small fraction of the problems that beset the regulating authorities not only in the USA , where most of them are built , but throughout the world in all the places where they operate .
19 The DN10 cDNA clone contains an alternatively spliced exon present in only a small fraction of P mRNA from human melanocytes and fetal brain ( Fig. 3 b ) .
20 In one sense this presents a misleading picture because only a small fraction of complaints against government is handled through such channels .
21 Under Edward VI the war cost a further £1,387,000 , to which parliamentary taxes contributed only a small fraction .
22 Most humans use only a small fraction of their total useful brainpower .
23 Soon only a small fraction of his original flock is running around his feet .
24 Only a small fraction of potentialities can be historically realized , and , therefore , the attitude-holder possesses belief themes , whose implicit argumentative meaning will never be realized .
25 Were the kinetic energy of the wind to be converted by the shock into radiant energy , the localized H-H objects could expect to take up only a small fraction of the wind 's energy , in which case the radiated power far exceeds that available .
26 He was a gregarious , hospitable man , and kind-hearted , although his charities represented only a small fraction of his disposable income .
27 A major difficulty is that the inert gases account for only a small fraction of the volatiles known at the surfaces and in the atmospheres of the three planets , where the volatiles almost entirely consist of CO 2 , H 2 O , N 2 and O 2 , or of compounds derived from them such as carbonates , hydroxy-silicates and nitrates .
28 Sites enclosing 4 ha ( 10 acres ) or less are the norm , often including only a small fraction of the occupied area .
29 But this sum — under 4% of the Block — represents only a small fraction of spending from the Block on education in Scotland .
30 Although cardboard accounts for only a small fraction of waste produced by the company , it has the advantage of being easily recycled .
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