Example sentences of "only [prep] way of " in BNC.

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1 Contributions from Squadron members are related in the order that they joined the unit and make for fascinating reading , especially as raids and operations inter-weave with different opinions coming to the fore — Alan has added occasional notes only by way of factual back-up , ensuring the originality of the contributor 's writing .
2 This generalization would of course be efficiently stated only by way of a certain interpreted equation .
3 It provided no prescriptions for the substantive curriculum , except at the level of general aims , and these only by way of suggestion .
4 So far we have mentioned two reasons why theories must be seen as organized structures of some kind : the fact that historical study shows theories to possess that feature and the fact that it is only by way of a coherently structured theory that concepts acquire a precise meaning .
5 My noble and learned friend , Lord Templeman , at pp. 121–122 , also referred to the minister 's speech , although possibly only by way of support for a conclusion he had reached on other grounds .
6 Detective Chief Inspector , Midshire C.l.D. — I mention it only by way of presenting credentials .
7 An equitable mortgagee seeking possession is in precisely the same position as a legal mortgagee ( Barclays Bank Ltd v Bird [ 1954 ] Ch 274 at p 280 ) , but the remedy of an equitable chargee is only by way of sale ( see The Supreme Court Practice Vol 1 at 50/1 — 9/23 ) .
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