Example sentences of "only [prep] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Robert Julius had been right , but only for just over a hundred years .
2 The House of Lords held that parental rights are recognised in law only for so long as they are needed for the protection of the child .
3 But only for so long .
4 They could keep up between four and five miles in each hour only for so long , for even strong and accustomed muscles tired .
5 ( 4 ) The justices were under a duty to make any secure accommodation order only for so long as was necessary .
6 As regards the incompetent child , only his parents or legal guardian may speak for him , and then only for as long as he remains under their control or until majority at 18 years of age .
7 They may get away with a trick or two , but only for as long as nobody is watching too closely .
8 For now , resolve to hold your shots only for as long as is needed to allow the audience to take in the details of the scene or to cover interesting action .
9 ‘ the justices were under a duty to make any secure accommodation order only for as long as was necessary ’ — and again the guidance and regulations are referred to — ‘ In the light of the evidence that a full planning meeting was due to be held on 30 December 1991 the magistrates should either have adjourned the application until after that meeting or should have made an order to last until shortly after that meeting .
10 Her friends back in London would never have recognised her as the Alyssia Stanley who had dozens of men trailing behind her , and who toyed with them but only for as long as it suited her .
11 The obligation will usually last only for as long as the information retains the necessary quality of confidence .
12 I fear that does not even begin to address our concern the assurances which were given on the last occasion about the Home Secretary 's attitude by the Noble Earl Lord which will no doubt be repeated later this afternoon , will of course hold good only for as long as Mr Howard is Home Secretary .
13 Only for as long as it took her to latch on to another driver , ’ Vitor said drily .
14 The heating is switched on only for as long as it takes to dry the washing .
15 But I was walking in the market place , shortly after , only about just over a week after , and I met an old fellow who had retired from Hello Graham !
16 Well it 's only about as far up there as it is up town .
17 Even the academics of Popper 's ‘ World Three ’ , then , do not work with ‘ literal meanings ’ but only with relatively more or less ambiguous languages , texts and contexts .
18 The reality is that only until relatively recently have appropriate techniques been more generally adopted throughout the public sector .
19 But , as Bouton and Swartzentruber ( 1989 ) point out , many of these experiments obtain the effect only in rather poorly controlled conditions , making unambiguous interpretation difficult .
20 He disobeyed Baudelaire 's instruction to be partial , or obeyed it only in so far as he took a stand against conservative taste .
21 But this was a drama , the story of the circumstances of Van Gogh 's life ; ‘ No attempt has been made , ’ wrote Meier-Graefe , ‘ to make a critical analysis of the pictures , which enter upon the scene only in so far as they concern the drama directly or indirectly . ’
22 The interest of how things are resides in their figuration , discernible and expressible by the deeper realist , of how things will be only in so far as that futurity is the truth and the end of how they are and always have been .
23 They rarely study natural events , and only in so far as they impinge on the human world .
24 The Revolution had impinged on their consciousness only in so far as it provided them with land , or took away foodstuffs during War Communism .
25 The discussion is more neutral only in so far as it is assumed that the curriculum ( such a global phenomenon ) is no-one 's responsibility in particular , and clearly this is so in an individual sense — but it is however the responsibility of the profession to take a leading role in this area and at the moment it is not fulfilling this role .
26 Rawls ' theory deviates from comprehensive neutrality in requiring equal ability to pursue ideals of the good only in so far as that ability depends on the principle of equal liberty .
27 The transitive verb meant ‘ to make suitable ’ and when translated into human terms this indicated a solution to a number of perceived difficulties in the juvenile labour-market : at the very least it offered a safeguard against redundancy through technological change ; it provided a necessary companion for ‘ intelligence ’ , one of the qualities demanded by ‘ modern ’ industrial conditions ; and it seemed to imply a degree of social contentment , integration , and stability , which were important , if only in so far as they could serve as protection against the ravages of unemployment and , in extreme cases , unemployability .
28 Since Ebrahimi was decided , s 459 of the Companies Act 1985 has added to the minority shareholder 's armoury a claim of ‘ unfair prejudice ’ , but only in so far as the conduct ( actual or threatened ) that he complains of is prejudicial to him in his capacity as a member .
29 We might say that the despair of existentialism is simply the logic of atheism , but this is true only in so far as atheism itself is the logic of ungrateful Protestantism .
30 I am inclined to say that ‘ Here ’ , in answer to ‘ Where are you ? ’ is true only in so far as it basks in the reflected glory of such genuine truths as , ‘ Here ’ , said as I point into the flower-vase , having been asked , ‘ Where is it ? ’ in the course of a game of hunt-the-thimble .
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