Example sentences of "only [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is available only through a workplace route , although colleges which can assess to lead body requirements can be approved to offer this qualification .
2 This legal bond can be severed only through a court of law , and even then the court may insist on one partner continuing to make provision for the other .
3 And on another : Here it is manifest how the Way of Life is found only through a Death , and that , without the deprival of all other knowledge , Self Knowledge itself is not to be achieved .
4 Having viewed the replacement external fresco and the church — although only through a haze of overhead tram wires — from the little square where Via Mazzini crosses Via Falcone and several other minor roads , go inside and see the real one which stands above the main altar , beneath Bramante 's masterly pseudo-apse .
5 In Cornwall , which was to grow into one of Methodism 's early strongholds , the teachings of John Wesley were absorbed only through a haze of superstitious beliefs and practices .
6 The sequence does not develop of necessity , however , but only through a continuance of the process of dynamic interaction which is the basis of its genesis ( Piaget 1971a ; 1972 ) .
7 The politician is the organ of society for having its cake and eating it , for escaping , if only for a moment , if only through a form of art — art is , after all , a means of escape — from the grimness of reality , from this grim fact that you ca n't have the cake and eat it , that you ca n't have public expenditure increased in excess of the rate of increase of the national product , unless private claims are correspondingly surrendered .
8 It is only through a process of dynamic interaction that consciousness is achieved as a sense of self and other .
9 An answer to this , I shall argue , so far as an answer is possible at all , can be given only through an analysis of experiences from the point of view of the one who has the experiences ; i.e. through a phenomenological analysis of the modes of experiencing .
10 Access to the bars and restaurant is currently achieved only through the hotel reception .
11 It is only through the work of Christ , through the impact on us of what he has done , that we can recognise him as divine and describe his person in divine terms .
12 The mountains of my youth were able to influence me only through the back window of a Ford Anglia , as we drove north for camping holidays in the rain .
13 It was only through the players themselves that we got the news .
14 Above all , he criticizes the ways in which Hegel reduces the diverse historical totality of a society to a single internal principle , so that history occurs only through the principle of contradiction in the dialectic .
15 Under the UK Act , the Principles are expressed in very general terms and are therefore not directly enforceable through the courts , but only through the actions of the UK Data Protection Registrar ( DPR ) .
16 It is only through the giving of form that something can be conceived of .
17 No totality has a necessary transcendence embodied within it ; as for the later Sartre , the course of historical change is open and will work only through the overdetermination of particular historical conjunctures .
18 Only through the sacrifice of a distant people had the Old Ones been vanquished , and order been returned to the universe .
19 In chapter seven of The Form , leading his disciple on from the initial perspective of striving to order her inner life as if she should die tomorrow — a challenge which sets the adrenalin running and wonderfully sharpens awareness — he potently reminds her in terms of his own cultural coinage that the world is indeed " charged with the grandeur of God " by instructing her to see all her physical experience in terms of the sacrifice also offered at the Mass : By means of keeping in remembrance this little incantatory prayer at meals and indeed at all times not otherwise taken up with prayer or speech ( " and thynk it noght anely whils etes , bot bath before and after , ay bot when prayes or spekes " , 7.104.39 – 40 ) the disciple will maintain a constant perception of all aspects of sustaining life as a divine gift mysteriously available in time only through the processes of death and resurrection .
20 Hilton is aware that the Incarnation must always be the starting-point for reforming in feeling , and only through the processes of faith and penance for the sins which deform the body of Christ can the soul come to see the reality of the being of God in man — Christ : It is this ghostly love that the soul glimpses in the darkness , and in doing so experiences the reality of the resurrected and ascended Christ who comes to man in the Holy Spirit and completes the story of the Incarnation .
21 no , only through the headmasters only , and that was er originally when we always exams at the same time and that was done as a school policy not science department !
22 But it is not only through the sacraments that the Spirit assures us we belong to Christ .
23 Electron transfer to or from the node is only through the tunnel junction .
24 The lighting of this tiny interior is soft and gentle ; it comes only through the alabaster panes of the small windows .
25 Since DTS started , God has been teaching me not only through the lectures , but through my time alone with Him and also through living in close quarters with people !
26 Nursing and medical intervention is therefore dependent on parental notification , and subsequent care , particularly in relation to young children , can often be exercised only through the parents .
27 He still believes that only through the Daleks can he achieve supreme power .
28 Second , they support private industry not only through the provision of often subsidized inputs but also by providing guaranteed markets and assisting export endeavours .
29 It is only through the development of subject-object relations that the subject as such comes to be constituted .
30 Bearing in mind that ‘ Abba ’ is the opening word of the Lord 's Prayer in Aramaic , we could rightly say that only through the Spirit can we pray and live out that prayer .
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