Example sentences of "only [noun sg] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In his three-field system only investment in land really counted , and the commune , not the individual , controlled most forms of capital .
2 England in 1920 , it testified to a similar recognition by him that the amateur ideal in the arts , however admirable in the abstract , and however rich its achievements under earlier structures of society , under the conditions of mass democracy could mean only amateurishness in technique , and thin-skinned insolence in debate .
3 Gould , forced to operate at the lower end of the transfer market as Coventry tighten their belts , can only gaze in wonder as Dalglish spends multi-millionaire Jack Walker 's money .
4 • Fabienne survived a complicated birth with only acupuncture in conjunction with homeopathy
5 The administration of the medications can then be related to the patient and the treatment of disease ; the student is learning not only safety in drug administration , but also more about the total care of patients .
6 Only facility IN answer to the letter from F. Kid ( May 26 ) regarding the closure of the William Roberts Centre , Norris Green , the people of this area are intent on fighting for the William Roberts because it is the only recreational facility that the area has .
7 If you absolutely love butter and hate polyunsaturated margarine , you would be foolish to make a rule to eat only margarine in future .
8 In contrast , where calculations are carried out to assess the comparative importance of differences in reproductive success versus survival for each sex , only variation in mate number may be included ( see Wade & Arnold , 1980 ) — though measures of the intensity of sexual selection as conceived by Darwin should also include variation due to differences in mate quality , which may be an important cause of variation in lifetime breeding success both among males and females in monogamous species .
9 It seemed to me that hardly any left the building in those weeks of May without murmuring apologetically that they were only leaving in order to get some baking done at home !
10 In the contrasting situation , when there is no convention but only agreement in conviction , everyone follows the same rule but principally because he thinks it independently the best rule to follow .
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