Example sentences of "only the [adj] day " in BNC.

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1 It was considered one of the advanced mills , advanced in that their employees worked only the ten-hour day and finished work at one o'clock on a Saturday .
2 She had brought detective novels and thrillers and cursed her hectic reading speed : only the second day and she was half-way down the pile .
3 To Sara , more hard-pressed than ever at Lime Street , the intellectual and emotional sympathy binding Coleridge and Dorothy must have been both apparent and distressing , even if Dorothy , in De Quincey 's words , was a woman possessing ‘ no personal charms ’ : on only the second day of the visit Coleridge and Dorothy were occupied together correcting his poems for the new edition while Sara was left to carry the domestic burdens of the teeming cottage .
4 And this is only the second day !
5 Only the actual day of his departure is , to the people , unknown .
6 Morning winds may be light , but afternoons are usually brisk , with exciting open sea sailing in force 3 to 5 for many days each holiday — let down by only the odd day of paddling !
7 It 's only the first day
8 It was wonderful , the shops were excellent , it was only the first day of our holiday and I had spent most of my money .
9 Only the other day a leader of the student movement in Prague said that the first letter of support they had received from abroad after baptising the revolution in their blood on November 17 was from him , with the signatures of four other Soviet Academicians .
10 Only the other day Robson was criticising Paul Gascoigne for attempting a similar back-heeled flick during England 's B match against Yugoslavia … could be costly , might give the other side a goal , must cut out that sort of thing , and so on .
11 I saw a school essay containing the word ‘ yrnetn ’ for wire netting ; and only the other day the Independent Magazine carried an advertisement for Philips Dictation Systems with the interesting sentence : ‘ In the time it took Dickens to write A Tale of Two Cities he could of told us a dozen more . ’
12 Only the other day
13 Only the other day what ? …
14 ‘ It had quite an effect because only the other day a London record store asked if it was going to be released again . ’
15 ‘ I wear a hearing aid and only the other day I could n't understand what my helper was saying .
16 He had passed by the very spot only the other day , and it had brought tears to his eyes .
17 ‘ I saw a case in the clinic only the other day .
18 In his newly exalted position , Jenkins may come to choose his words more carefully , but it was only the other day that he was saying ; ‘ There is no doubt we are poor ; it 's no good pretending we are not .
19 The pater was saying something to that effect only the other day .
20 Like a , thousands more , and another thing we knew we we very often , my wife and I were talking about it only the other day , there was an old saying that er er Percy White 's out of prison .
21 She had , only the other day , seen a policeman and -woman exerting more force than had seemed strictly necessary on a man in the street : at the time she had assumed that he had offered fierce resistance until she had turned the corner , at which moment he had been subdued .
22 A woman was murdered only the other day , down by the canal . ’
23 ‘ I gave twenty quid to Oxfam only the other day , ’ said Emma .
24 Only the other day I was at the vicarage , seeing Mrs Ainger about my stall at the bazaar-I 'm doing the fancy work this year , you know — and there was pussy , bold as brass , if you please , walking into the lounge as if she owned it . ’
25 ’ I was thinking only the other day , ’ he went on , ’ that if I did n't have a wife and child to support I would throw in my resignation , take the voluntary redundancy on offer , sell the flat and go .
26 Why only the other day Little Red Riding Hood barely escaped with her life after finding a transvestite wolf hiding in her grandmother 's bed .
27 Only the other day on ’ Panorama ’ Conservative councillors in Worcester said that they could not build new council houses without losing money .
28 It was only the other day that she showed them to me .
29 I would accept that since I saw a report only the other day about such a case ( the funeral director involved had a son in my class who brought me the file ) the embalmer had used 8 oz per 80 oz of a very good fluid , but had not put in any co or pre injection fluids and did not mix any other fluids , and he put in 4 × 80 oz bottles .
30 Only the other day he was saying to me ‘ Tim it 's abart time I answered sum a them letters I ‘ ave pilin' up from poor folk as ‘ ave ‘ ad personal problems . ’
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