Example sentences of "only by a few " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Thanks , ’ Trent said , to delay his death , if only by a few minutes .
2 The situation does not occur on stillwaters because there is enough water well out from the banks to allow the beats to be separated , if only by a few yards .
3 The red-brick government-issue buildings stand isolated within a security fence , surrounded even today only by a few houses , fields , orchards and small villages housing some of Britain 's finest racehorse stables .
4 San Vincenzo is a lovely resort of clear soft sands interrupted only by a few emerging reefs .
5 ( There is another argument , nowadays timidly advanced only by a few academics of the old hair-shirt tendency , that the white man has fixed the game , making it almost impossible for the others to get in . )
6 His face was flat and wide , clean , the skin marked only by a few freckles on the right cheek , the eyes set far apart and shallow in their sockets .
7 For several hours they appeared to make little progress ; they were traversing a barren region of fine sand and yellowish clay , broken only by a few stunted , prickly bushes .
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